Output Data Header Tab

This section includes the fields and descriptions for the Output Data Header tab.

Output Data Island

Field Description
Output Data No. This field shows the number of the output data format.
Number Of Entries This field shows the number of records in the current payment file.
Number Of Amount Entries This field shows the number of amount records (payments) in the current payment file.
Amount This field shows the sum of the amounts contained in the current payment file.
Payment Agent This field shows the payment agent used when creating the current payment file.
Payment Format This field shows which payment format was used when creating the current payment file.
Production Date This field shows the date on which the file was created.
System Number 1 - 3 This fields shows the system number used when creating the current payment files. The system number is created based on the setup of the current payment agent.
Account Number Sum This show a total of all bank account number. This field will only have a value if the functionality is support by the current payment format
Customer Payment Format This field shows the name of the existing output data format for the customer payment form.
Output Data Format This field shows the output data format used in the current outgoing payment format. Output data formats are created in the window Specification of Output Data Formats.
Input Data Format This field shows the name of the input data format used in the current outgoing payment format. Input data format are created in the window Specification of Input Data Formats. This format is used when importing payment status files in the window Read Payment Status in the Banking module.
File Name This field shows the name of the created data file
Currency This field show the currency in which all total will be shown. The reporting currency is both used when printing the payment selection and when printing the payment reports.

When converting amounts into the selected currency, Maconomy uses the exchange rates valid on the date specified in the field “Exchange Rate Date,” and the exchange rate table used is the exchange rate table for purchases selected in the window System Information in the Set-Up module.

Exchange Rate Date This field shows the exchange rate date. When converting amounts into the reporting currency, Maconomy uses the exchange rates valid on this date according to the exchange rate table for purchases selected in the window System Information in the Set-Up module for conversion of currency amounts. See also the field “Currency.”
Last Group Number This field shows the used number of groups in the current payment file. The grouping depend on the setup of the payment format.
Remittance incomplete This fields shows that there is payments with incomplete remittance information. The remittance information must be updated before the payment can be approved.
Error in Payment Order This field shows that there is an error in the payment file due to a manual change of the selected entries. The problem can be found by reprinting the payment selection.
Origin This field shows the origin of the payment order.
Preferred Payment Date This field shows the preferred payment date specified when the payment file was created.