Import Modes Tab

This section includes the fields and descriptions for the Import Modes tab.

Import Mode Island

Field Description
Name In this field, you enter the name of the current import mode.
Description In this field, you enter the description of the import mode.
Contact Person In this field you enter the name of the contact person at the data agent to which the import mode is assigned.
Phone In this field, you enter the phone number of the data agent to which the import mode is assigned.
Data Agent In this field, you assign the import mode to a data agent. The import mode will be used when data is imported from the data agent which is entered in this field.
Import Form In this field, you can enter a data type. The data type will determine when the import mode is used. Each import line contains information about the type of data which is entered on the line, for example, G/L data, vendor data, and so on. The import mode will only use lines that contain data of the same type as the type that is entered in this field.

Posting Island

Field Description
Standard Text In this field, you enter a posting text. This text is used for all entries created during an import from the current data agent. Maconomy will use the following order of priority to determine which posting text to transfer:
  1. If the imported line contains a posting text, this text will be used.
  2. If no posting text has been specified on the import line, Maconomy will use the standard text entered in the Import Modes workspace.
  3. If no text has been entered for the import mode, Maconomy will use the standard text entered in this field.
  4. If no text has been s entered in this field, Maconomy will use the posting text entered in the Import Data workspace when the import was initiated. If no text was entered here, the text “Import” will be used instead.
Posting Ref., Error Entries In this field, you can enter the number of a dimension combination of the type “Posting Reference.” This dimension combination contains the reference to the account number and other dimension values on which error entries will be posted. If the field “Create Error Entries” is checked, and the current import mode is used for the import line which contains an erroneous entry, the entry will be registered on the account referred to by the dimension combination in this field. An example of an error is the import of a dimension value that has not been created in Maconomy. If the field “Create Error Entries” is not marked, erroneous lines are ignored.
Create Error Entries In this field, you specify whether erroneous entries from an import are to be ignored or whether they are to be posted on an error account. If this field is marked, and the current import mode is used on an import line that contains an error, the created entry will be registered on the account referred to by the dimension combination in the field “Posting Ref., Error Entries.” An example of an error is the import of dimension values that have not been created in Maconomy.
Verify Posting Date In this field you specify whether the posting dates of the imported entries are to be corrected if the posting dates on these entries are outside the open posting period. If this field is marked, and the import file contains a date outside the open posting period, Maconomy will correct the posting date to the first day of the open posting period. If this field is not marked, import lines with a posting date outside the open posting range are imported without any corrections. You can enter the open posting interval for each company in the Company Information workspace. If a company has no open posting period assigned, the posting period entered in the System Information workspace in the Set-Up module is used.
Post on Error Account In this field you enter whether imported entries with an entry date outside the open posting period are to be posted on an error account. This field is only to be used if the field “Verify Posting Date” is checked for the import mode in question. If the field is marked, import lines outside the posting period will be posted on the account referred to by the dimension combination in the field “Posting Ref., Error Entries.” If this field is not marked, the account used on lines outside the open posting period is determined in the same way as on lines inside the period.

Import Control Island

Field Description
Description Further information about this field can be found in the detailed document for the current import form.
Popup Further information about this field can be found in the detailed document for the current import form.
Value Further information about this field can be found in the detailed document for the current import form.

User Island

See the chapter “Getting Started” for a description of the fields in the User island.