Search Results Sub-Tab

This section includes the fields and descriptions for the Search Results sub-tab.

Field Description
Unstaffed This field displays the number of hours still remaining to be staffed for the current task (job budget line).
Book Hours In this field you can enter the number of hours you want to allocate for the current employee to the task on the current line when the action “Book” is selected. By default, this field shows the number of unstaffed hours (shown in the field “Unstaffed” above). If the number of unstaffed hours is negative (the task is overbooked), this field shows zero hours.
Skill Match % This field shows the degree to which the current employee possesses the skills required to perform the task on the current line. The degree is displayed as a fraction, calculated as the number of skills possessed by the employee divided by the total number of skills specified on the job budget line.
Level Match % This field shows the degree to which the current employee matches the skill levels required to perform the task on the current line. The value is calculated as the average of the level match % of each skill requirement specified for the job budget line. For each requirement, the level match % is calculated as follows:
  • If the skill level of an employee is exactly as required, the value is 100%. The value will also be 100% if an employee does not possess a skill level which has been specified as undesired or disallowed on the job budget line.
  • If the employee does not possess a mandatory or preferred skill at all, the value is 0%.
  • Otherwise, the level of the employee in question will be either below or above the mandatory level, and the level match % will be below 100% to indicate that the employee would be either underqualified or overqualified for the task on the job budget line.

    In this case, the level match % is calculated by using the calculation value specified in the window Level Lists for each level on the list assigned to the required skill. The calculation value is used to specify the distance between the levels on the list. For the level farthest away from the required level on the list, the level match % is 0%, and for the other levels, Maconomy calculates the level match % as a percentage of the difference between the required level and the current level.

Assigned This field shows whether the employee is already assigned to this task in Detailed Planning. You cannot change this value.
Assigned in Future This field shows whether the employee is already assigned to this task in Detailed Planning, but for a future starting date. You cannot change this value.
Number of Skill Deviations This field displays the number of skill level requirements specified on the current job budget line which could not be met by the current employee; that is, the employee has been assigned a lower skill level than required for the skills in question. This field is only relevant if the value of the field “Skill Deviation Acceptance” is other than “None.”
Number of Overqualifications This field displays the number of skill level requirements specified on the current job budget line for which the current employee is overqualified; that is, the employee has been assigned a higher skill level than required for the skills in question. This field is only relevant if the value of the field “Skill Deviation Acceptance” is other than “None.”
Job No. This field shows the number of the job to which the current job budget line belongs.
Job Name This field shows the name of the job to which the current job budget line belongs.
Empl. Cat. No. This field shows the number of the employee category specified on the current job budget line.
Empl. Cat. Name This field shows the name of the employee category specified on the current job budget line.
Act. No. This field shows the number of the activity specified on the current job budget line.
Description This field shows the description specified on the current job budget line.
Task This field shows the number of the task specified on the current job budget line.
Task Description This field shows the description of the task specified on the current job budget line.
Quantity This field shows the quantity of hours specified on the current job budget line.
Est. Time to Compl. This field shows the estimated time-to-completion specified on the current job budget line.
Estimate Date This field shows the estimate date specified on the current job budget line.
Planned Starting Date This field shows the planned starting date specified on the current job budget line.
Planned Ending Date This field shows the planned ending date specified on the current job budget line.
Activity Name This field shows the name of the activity specified on the current job budget line.
Remarks 1-10 These fields show the remarks specified on the current job budget line.
Booking Type This field shows the booking type specified on the current job budget line.