Warehouse Transaction Lines Sub-Tab

This section includes the fields and descriptions for the Warehouse Transaction Lines Sub-Tab.

Field Description
Item In this field, you can specify the number of the item to be moved.
Quantity In this field, you can specify how many units of the current item should be moved. If you change this field after the approval of the transaction, the approval is cancelled.
Being Moved This field shows the number of units of the item set to pick on open picking list lines assigned to the current warehouse transaction line. When such a picking list assigned to the current warehouse transaction is closed, this field is set to zero, and the quantity reported as moved on the picking list lines created from the current transaction line is deducted from this field and added to the field “Moved.”
Moved This field shows how many units of the current item have been moved. The field thus shows the total number of units reported as moved on closed picking list lines assigned to the current transaction line.
Unit This field shows the unit in which the item is to be moved. If the warehouse transaction has been created manually, the unit is always the sales unit, retrieved from the field “Unit, Sales” in the window Item Information Card. If the warehouse transaction was created from one of the registration types in the island “References” in the card part, the unit is retrieved from the registration line on which the current warehouse transaction line is based. The unit cannot be changed here.
Source Loc. In this field, you can specify the location from which the items on the current line are to be moved. If the warehouse transaction was created automatically from an item purchase order, an inventory change of the type “Receipt” or a request for moving finished items away from the production location upon completed production, Maconomy suggests in this field the location applying to the registration line on which the current warehouse transaction line is based. If the warehouse transaction was created from a sales order, an inventory change for shipment or a request for moving raw materials to a production location, Maconomy suggests a blank value in this field.

If this field is blank when a picking list is created for the current warehouse transaction, Maconomy will find a source location for the picking list line(s) created from the current warehouse transaction line. The source location is found by means of the procedure described for the action “Print Picking List.”

Target Loc. In this field, you can specify the location to which the items on the current line are to be moved. If the warehouse transaction was created automatically from a sales order, an inventory change for shipment or a request for moving raw materials to a production location, Maconomy suggests in this field the location applying to the registration line on which the current warehouse transaction line is based. If the warehouse transaction was created from an item purchase order, an inventory change of the type “Receipt” or a request for moving finished items away from the production location upon completed production, Maconomy suggests a blank value in this field.

If this field is blank when a picking list is created for the current warehouse transaction, Maconomy will find a target location for the picking list line(s) created from the current warehouse transaction line. The target location is found by means of the procedure described for the action “Print Picking List.”

Serial No. If the items to be moved should have a certain serial number, you can specify that serial number here. The field can only be completed for items with serial number control, and if you enter a serial number, it must exist in the system.

If the current line is based on a serial number entry line entered in the window Serial Number Entry for sales orders or Serial Number Receipt for item purchase orders, this field shows the serial number in question. The serial number can also derive from a closed picking list line on which a serial number was specified. For further information on the automatic creation of warehouse transaction lines for items with serial number control based on different registrations, see the descriptions of the action “Create Warehouse Transaction” in the windows Sales Orders, Item Purchase Orders, and Inventory Change, as well as the action “Approve Picking List” in the window Picking Lists.

Remarks In this field, you can enter any remarks about the current line.