Show Purchase Orders Tab

This section includes the fields and descriptions for the Show Purchase Orders tab.

Job Island

Field Description
Job This field shows the job’s name and unique job number. The name was entered in the Jobs window.
Job Group This is the job group the job belongs to. Job groups are created in the window Job Groups.
Status This is the job status. It must be “Order” to be shown here. A job initially has “Quote” status.
Responsible In this field, you can see who is responsible for the job. The name is entered in the Jobs window.
Closed This field is marked if the job has been closed. You can reopen a job in the Jobs window by selecting “Reopen Job.”

Customer Island

Field Description
Customer This is the name and number of the customer the job is for. The name is retrieved from the Job Information window.

Description Island

Field Description
Internal This is the internal description of the job. It is retrieved from the Jobs window.
Description 2 copy to come
Description 3 copy to come
Ref. This is the job’s reference text. It is retrieved from the Jobs window.