Budget Journal Tab

This section includes the fields and descriptions for the Budget Journal tab.

Journal Island

Field Description
Journal No. This field displays the number of the budget journal. New budget journals are automatically given the next available number from the current company’s “Budget Journal” number series. The number series is created in the window System Numbers in the Set-Up module.
Repeat Dimensions If you check this box, Maconomy will suggest the dimensions from the previous line when you create a budget journal line. The dimensions can be changed.
Balance Amount If you check this box, Maconomy will suggest an amount that will balance the budget journal when you create a budget journal line. The amount can be changed.

If you enter an amount in for instance the field “Amount, Closing,” which cancels out the other journal lines, the journal lines may still not be in balance. This is the case if the amounts on other lines cannot be rounded off exactly over the 12 periods.

If an amount cannot be divided by 12, the first 11 periods are allocated equal amounts, whereas period 12 is allocated the amount with the variance. This balance cannot exceed 11 cents.

If you let Maconomy fill in the line which is to balance the other journal lines, the budget journal can always be approved.

If the field “Balance Amount” is not checked, you have to enter amounts in the table part.

Enter Value in Thousands If you check this box, Maconomy will multiply the amounts entered by 1000. If you change an amount on a line, the amount you enter will also be multiplied by 1000.
Difference Entries Created This field is automatically marked by Maconomy, if difference entries have been created for the budget journal in question. Difference entries are created by means of selecting the action “Create Difference Entries” in the Action menu.
Note: Difference entries can only be made once for each budget journal. The field cannot be marked manually. See also the description of the action “Create Difference Entries.”

User Island

See the chapter “Getting Started” for a description of the fields in the User island.

Budget Model Island

Field Description
Budget Model Use this field to enter the name of the budget model you wish to post journal entries to. This field is mandatory. The description of the budget model is transferred from the Budget Models workspace.
Budget Type This field displays the budget type which was specified for the current budget model in the Budget Models workspace.
Fiscal Year This field displays the fiscal year used in the current budget model. The fiscal year is retrieved from the Budget Models workspace.
Price Year This field displays the price year that applies to the current budget model. The price year is used at price projection of the budget models.

Budget Group Island

Field Description
Budget Group In this field you can specify a budget group if the current budget model is attached to one or more budget groups in the Budget Groups workspace.

If you specify a group, corresponding budget journals will be created for the other budget models in the budget group when you approve the current budget journal, so that the same changes are made in all the budget models in the group.

This field also displays the description of the selected budget group.

Approve Automatically If you check this box, Maconomy will automatically approve budget journals created for the other budget models in the budget group specified above.

Company Island

Field Description
Company In this field, you can enter the number of the company to which the budget applies. The company must use the same financial year as the selected budget model. If you do not enter a value manually, Maconomy will attempt to derive a value, using the order of priority set up in the Dimension Derivation workspace in the G/L module. If no value can be derived, the standard value is transferred from the System Information workspace in the Set-Up module. See the description of the Dimension Derivations workspace in the G/L module for a discussion of dimension derivations.

If you create lines in the budget Journal Lines sub-tab where the value in the “Company No.” field is different from the value in this field, intercompany balances will be created when you approve the budget journal. In the intercompany balance, the responsible company will be the company displayed in this field.

It is not possible to change budget journal lines for intercompany postings in budget journals that are created automatically through budget copying or by creating budget journals in a budget group described in the Budget Group island. The intercompany posting accounts are specified by means of dimension combinations in the Intercompany Accounts workspace in the G/L module.

This field also displays the name that is associated with the company number specified in the first part of this field.

Base Currency This field displays the currency used as base currency in the company specified in the field “Company” above. See the field “Base Currency” in the Company Information workspace in the G/L module for a detailed description of the concepts of company base currency and enterprise currency.

Batch Total Island

Field Description
Control, Opening This field shows the total opening amount yet to be allocated for the budget journal to balance. The value is calculated as the sum of the opening amounts in the Budget Journal Lines sub-tab.
Control 1-12 These fields display the total amount that remains to be accounted for in the budget before the current budget journal for the period in question is in balance. The value is calculated as the sum of the budget figures for each period from the table part of the budget journal.

For example: You have budgeted for item purchases amounting to USD 200,000 in period 3. The liquid assets account has a budget amount of USD -140,000. The field “Control 3” will consequently display an amount difference of USD 60,000. This means that the budget journal will not be in balance until the balance amount has been budgeted, for example, on the Item Sales account.