BOM Lines Sub-Tab

This section includes the fields and descriptions for the BOM Lines sub-tab.

Field Description
Line No. This is the item’s line number in the BOM. This number is printed with the order line number (shown in the card part above) on the packing list. The number is used to identify the BOM part.
Stock Location No. This field shows the location at which the BOM part should be packed and from which it should be shipped. The item lines and BOM parts in the printed packing list are sorted by location, and the same applies here. This makes it easier for warehouse employees to compare the packing list to the information in this window. The value is retrieved from the sales order line on which the packing line is based, but you can specify another location here if the items are shipped from another location.

If the field is blank, the location number specified in the card part of the window will apply to the line.

Item No. This is the number of the BOM part to be delivered. The value is retrieved from the corresponding item line on the sales order. The number cannot be changed here.
Description This is the item text. The text is retrieved from the corresponding item line on the sales order. You can change the text here.
Deliv. Date This is the item line’s delivery date. The date is retrieved from the corresponding item line on the sales order. You cannot change the date here.
For Packing This field shows how many item units are selected to be packed and delivered on the preferred delivery date. The value cannot be changed manually.
Packed Here you enter the quantity of items actually packed.

Maconomy automatically suggests the value from the “For Packing” field. You can change the suggested value, if the physical inventory is short of items. Maconomy verifies that the amount you enter is divisible by the item’s minimum sales unit.

If you enter a quantity lower than the quantity in the “For Packing” field, Maconomy automatically creates back orders on the remaining items. At the same time, Maconomy updates the “Back Orders” field in the Item Information Card and Item Information windows in the Inventory module.

Internal Desc. This is the internal item text from the Item Information Card. It is suitable for messages to warehouse employees. You can, for example, specify how the item should be handled and packed. You can change the text.
Extra Text 1-10 In these fields, you can enter supplementary text for a further description of the current BOM part. In the first three fields, Maconomy suggests the value from the corresponding fields in the BOM item information card. In You can change the suggested texts and enter additional information in the remaining seven fields.
Popup 1-5 In these fields, you can enter further information about the current BOM item. Maconomy suggests the value from the corresponding fields in the BOM item information card, but you can change the value for the current packing list line. The pop-up options are created in the window Popup Fields in the Set-Up module.