Warehouse Information Card Tab

This section includes the fields and descriptions for the Warehouse Information Card Tab.

Warehouse Island

Field Description
Name Enter the name of the warehouse here. This name identifies the warehouse and must be unique. You must enter a name, but you can change it later.
Address Enter the address of the warehouse in these four text fields. The information is printed on item purchase orders created in the Item Purchase module, provided the order is not delivered directly (or drop-shipped) to a customer (this will be marked in the item purchase order in the “Direct Delivery” field). Because standard item purchase order printouts in Maconomy include only these four text fields, your company name must be entered in the first line of the address if it is to be included on the item purchase order.
Attn. Enter the name of the employee responsible for this warehouse.
Phone In this field, you enter the warehouse’s phone number.
Fax In this field, you enter the warehouse’s fax number.
Telex In this field, you enter the warehouse’s telex number.

Selection Criteria Island

Field Description
Show Stock Locations When you check this box, the table part of the window will display the locations matching the selection criteria specified in this island. For performance reasons, it is advisable not to check the box until after you have entered the selection criteria.
Stock Location No. In these fields, you can specify a range of location numbers. When the field “Show Stock Locations” is marked, the table part will only show locations with numbers within the specified range.
Storage Locations If you select “Yes” in this field, the table part will only show locations with a mark in the field “Storage Loc.” when the field “Show Stock Locations” is marked. If you select “No,” the table part will only show locations where the field “Storage Loc.” is not marked. If you leave the field blank, both storage locations and non-storage locations are shown.
Picking Locations If you select “Yes” in this field, the table part will only show locations with a mark in the field “Picking Loc.” when the field “Show Stock Locations” is marked. If you select “No,” the table part will only show locations where the field “Picking Loc.” is not marked. If you leave the field blank, both picking locations and nonpicking locations are shown.
Blocked for Receipt If you select “Yes” in this field, the table part will only show locations marked as blocked for receiving in the field “Blocked for Receipt” in the table part when the field “Show Stock Locations” is marked. If you select “No,” the table part will only show locations that are not marked as blocked for receipt. If you leave the field blank, both blocked and non-blocked locations are shown.
Blocked for Picking If you select “Yes” in this field, the table part will only show locations marked as blocked for picking in the field “Blocked for Picking” in the table part when the field “Show Stock Locations” is marked. If you select “No,” the table part will only show locations that are not marked as blocked for picking. If you leave the field blank, both blocked and non-blocked locations are shown.
Empty Locations If you select “Yes” in this field, the table part will only show locations at which no items are currently stored when the field “Show Stock Locations” is marked. If you select “No,” the table part will only show locations currently containing items. If you leave the field blank, locations both with and without a current stock are shown.

Standard Locations Island

Field Description
Receipt Loc. In this field, you can specify the location at which items going into the current warehouse are usually received. When you create an item purchase order or a movement voucher for receipt, Maconomy will suggest this location in the card part of the window Item Purchase Orders or Inventory Change, respectively, causing this location to be the default receiving location for the items on each line. The location can be changed, however, in the card part as well as on the individual lines. For further information on the effects of locations in the card and table parts of item purchase orders and movement vouchers, please see descriptions of the actions in the window Item Receipt in the Item Purchase module and the window Inventory Change.
Shipment Loc. In this field, you can specify the location at which items going out of the current warehouse are usually packed, checked, and shipped. When you create a quote or sales order or a movement voucher for transfer or shipping, Maconomy will suggest this location in the card part of the window Quote, Sales Orders or Inventory Change, respectively, causing this location to be the default shipment location for the items on each line. The location can be changed, however, in the card part as well as on the individual lines. For further information on the effects of locations in the card and table parts of sales orders, please see the descriptions of the actions in the window Sales Orders in the Sales Orders module.
Storage Loc. In this field, you can specify the location to which items in the current warehouse are usually moved when items are moved from one location to another. When picking lists are created from warehouse transactions concerning the current warehouse and no target location has been specified on a line, this location is used in the process of finding a target location for the resulting picking list line. For further information on this process, please see the description of the action “Print Picking List” in the window Warehouse Transactions.
Picking Loc. In this field, you can specify the location from which items in the current warehouse are usually picked when they are being moved to other locations. When picking lists are created from warehouse transactions concerning the current warehouse and no source location has been specified on a line, this location is used in the process of finding a source location for the resulting picking list line. For further information on this process, please see the description of the action “Print Picking List” in the window Warehouse Transactions.
Production Loc. In this field, you can specify the location at which item production from BOMs usually take place. When you create a production transaction, Maconomy will suggest this location in the card part of the window BOM Production, causing this location to be the default location on each line.
Balancing Loc., Inventory Count In this field, you can specify the name you want to normally use for the balancing location created when creating inventory count listings for the current warehouse. This name will be used for the balancing location on count listings in the window Inventory Count Listing. For further information on the functionality of balancing locations, see the description of the window Approve Count. As a balancing location is not an actual, physical location, and is only created temporarily during inventory counts, you cannot enter the number of a location assigned to the current warehouse in the table part of this window.

Production Island

Field Description
Balance In this field, enter the number of the dimension combination containing a reference to the account on which you want Maconomy to register the variance between raw materials costs and the costs of finished items (from BOM Production). The dimension combination can also contain other dimension values to be used in this connection. The inventory value account is specified by means of a dimension combination in the field “Inventory Value”. Be sure to verify that the number you enter here refers to the warehouse in the window and that you have not created a warehouse with the same posting reference. When you produce a BOM, and the finished item is inventoried at the cost assigned to the finished item in the warehouse in question (or if you are using non-inventoried items in the production) you may incur a variance between the accumulated costs of the raw materials and the cost value of the finished item. This variance will be posted to the account to which the dimension combination in this field refers. The entry is made to the warehouse of the finished item.

Auto. Write Up/Down Island

Field Description
For Sale In this field, enter the number of the dimension combination containing a reference to the account on which you want Maconomy to set off automatic cost adjusting entries to the inventory value account, as a result of sales. The dimension combination can also contain other dimension values to be used in this connection. The inventory value account is specified by means of a dimension combination in the field “Inventory Value.”

This posting reference is used when you post an item journal that was produced in the following way:

  • An item with Sales Price Costing (costing from sales price) is removed, and the calculated cost is different from the current cost at the warehouse in question in the table part of the item information card.
  • An item with the FIFO costing method is removed and as a result of rounding amounts to the nearest currency unit, the decrease in the inventory value will vary.
For Purchase In this field, enter the number of the dimension combination containing a reference to the account on which you want Maconomy to set off automatic cost adjusting entries to the inventory value account as a result of item receipts in the Item Purchase module, or manual item receipt in the Inventory Change window. The dimension combination can also contain other dimension values to be used in this connection. The inventory value account is specified by means of a dimension combination in the field “Inventory Value.”

The posting reference is used when you post an item journal that was produced in one of the following ways:

  • An item receipt is approved in the Item Receipt window in the Item Purchase module.
  • An item transaction is created and approved in the Inventory Change window using the type “Receipt”
For Production In this field, enter the number of the dimension combination containing a reference to the account on which you want Maconomy to set off automatic cost adjusting entries to the inventory value account, as a result of the production of a BOM. The dimension combination can also contain other dimension values to be used in this connection. The inventory value account is specified by means of a dimension combination in the field “Inventory Value.”

The posting reference is used when you post an item journal that was produced in the following way:

  • Production of a BOM is completed by approving a production transaction in the window BOM Production which produces a cost adjustment.
  • Production of a BOM is completed by approving a production transaction in the window BOM Production, in which 1) the bills of materials contain items with the FIFO costing method and 2) the calculated cost varies as a result of rounding amounts to the nearest currency unit in the decrease of the inventory value.

Invoice Reconciliation Island

Field Description
Balance In this field, enter the number of the dimension combination containing a reference to the account on which you want Maconomy to set off certain entries to the Unreconciled Vendor Entries account. (This is specified by means of a dimension combination in the pop-up field “A/P Control Accounts” in the window Popup Fields in the Set-Up module.)

The account to which the dimension combination in this field refers is used if you reconcile an invoice in the Invoice Reconciliation window in the Accounts Payable module with a variance between the item receipt transaction amount and the vendor invoice amount. The account balance thus reflects the variance between the expected cost of purchased items, and the actual cost invoiced by the vendor.

If you wish to adjust your inventory costs in accordance with the vendor invoices, you must do it in the Inventory Change window. Such an adjustment will affect inventory value and the account given specified by means of a dimension combination in the field “Cost Adj.” (typically a profit & loss account). The variance from the account referred to in this field must be manually posted to the Cost Adjustment account. However, if the posting reference here is identical to the posting reference in the field “Cost Adj.,” this manual posting is unnecessary.

Access Level Island

Field Description
Name Here you can enter the name of the access level. Users only have access to seeing information about the current warehouse and referring to it in other windows if they have been assigned to this or a higher access level in the window User Access Levels in the Set-Up module. Please note that this access control model only applies if the standard access control configuration has not been changed in your Maconomy system. If it has, the access to warehouses may depend on other factors. For further information about the standard access control configuration and access control in a multi-company model, please see the section “Introduction to the Access Control System” in the Set-Up module.

If you do not specify an access level, all users will have access to see information about the current warehouse.

Description This field shows the description of the access level specified in the field above.

Control Principles Island

Field Description
One Location If you mark this field, only one location can be created in the table part, meaning that the complete stock of the warehouse is registered on the same location, and this is the only location allowed on any registration. As a consequence, this also disallows the movement of items between locations in the warehouse. Mark this field if you do not wish to register separate location stocks or if your warehouse procedures do not include reporting where items were picked and where in the warehouse they are currently stored.

The field can only be marked if the warehouse has only one location assigned to it.

If you select this operation mode, the field “Fixed Picking” is automatically marked, and all fields in the island Standard Locations, with the exception of the field “Balancing Loc., Inventory Count,” are assigned the name of the unique location created for the warehouse.

You can remove the mark in this field any time to allow the creation of multiple locations in the warehouse.

Fixed Picking If you mark this field, a standard picking location must be entered on lines in the table part of the window Item Information Card pertaining to the current warehouse, unless a standard picking location is specified in the information card of the current warehouse.

Select this operation mode if each item is always picked at the same location or if you usually pack directly at the picking location instead of moving it to a packing location first. This can, for example, be the case if the same people that pick the items are also responsible for packing them. This process can be supported, as the set-up resulting of a mark in this field ensures that you can skip both picking lists and warehouse transactions. This is possible as either a warehouse specific or an item specific location is always transferred to a packing list when a packing list is created in the window Sales Orders without first creating a picking list or a warehouse transaction.

Implicit Warehouse Trans. If you mark this field, the approval of a picking list regarding the current warehouse will automatically close any warehouse transaction from which the picking list was created even if the quantities of items that were reported picked on the picking list do not match those on the warehouse transaction from which the list was created.

This operation mode is useful if you do not want to make new attempts at creating picking lists from warehouse transactions when the warehouse personnel already reported that the items were not available at the specified picking location. This can, for example, be due to the fact that you are using fixed picking locations or because you want the picking reporting to be the final indication of whether the items could be picked.

Allow Incomplete picking lists Mark this field if picking list lines with only a source location or a target location should be allowed. This ensures that the creation of a picking list never fails. When a picking list line is to be created from a warehouse transaction line for which only a source or target location, respectively, has been specified, and the other location cannot be found in the process described for the action “Print Picking List,” the warehouse transaction line will result in a picking list line identical to the warehouse transaction line, as the system could not suggest a source or target location. If this field has not been marked for the warehouse in question, the picking list creation procedure would fail if a source or target location cannot be found.

Posting References Island

Field Description
Inventory Value In this field, enter the number of the dimension combination containing a reference to the G/L account on which the inventory value should be updated. If you use more than one inventory value account, be sure to verify that the number you enter here refers to the warehouse currently shown in the window and that you have not created a warehouse with the same posting reference.

The account to which the specified dimension combination refers is updated each time items are shipped from or received by this warehouse, and each time costs are adjusted. When items are shipped, this account is credited by the value of the shipment. When items are received, it is debited by the value of the received goods.

COGS Suspense In this field, enter the number of the dimension combination containing a reference to the G/L account for COGS Suspense. This is an account used for tracking goods removed from inventory and printed on a packing slip, but that have not yet been invoiced to the customer and booked as a sale. Be sure to verify that this account refers to the warehouse currently shown in the window and that you have not created another warehouse with a reference to the same account.

In the below description of the posting reference, the term “account” is used about posting references in the form of dimension combinations from which an account number and possibly other dimension values are found.

The purpose of this account is to secure that the value of your physical stock is always reflected in the inventory value account. This is relevant when there is a difference in time from when goods are shipped to when the sale is invoiced, since cost of sales is not posted before invoicing.

When goods are shipped, the cost of sales is debited to this account and when the shipment is invoiced, the cost of sales is credited to this account.

This account is not used when printing packing slips for orders marked as “Invoice in Job Cost.” Cost of sales for these orders is debited through the Job Cost module, either to the P/L account for the activity or to the job’s account for WIP, depending on whether the job is capitalized.

Manual Inventory Value Changes Island

Field Description
Shipments and Receipts In this field, enter the number of the dimension combination containing a reference to the G/L account on which you want Maconomy to set off entries that affect the inventory value, (registered on the account for inventory value) generated by manual item shipments and receipts in the Inventory Change window. This dimension combination can also contain values for other dimensions to be used in this connection. The account for inventory value is specified by means of a dimension combination in the field “Inventory Value.”

This offset posting reference is used when you post an item journal that was produced in the following way:

  • An item transaction is created and approved in the Inventory Change window by a “Receipt” or a “Shipment.”
  • For an item with the FIFO costing method, Maconomy generates and approves an inventory transaction of the change type “Transfer.” As a result of rounding amounts to the nearest currency unit, the amounts to be debited/credited the inventory value account for ‘To Warehouse’ and ‘From Warehouse’ will differ.
Cost Adjustment In this field, enter the number of the dimension combination containing a reference to the account on which you want Maconomy to set off entries for cost adjustments to the inventory value account generated by manual cost adjustments, or automatic cost adjustments resulting from miscellaneous losses, transfers or inventory counts. This dimension combination can also contain values for other dimensions to be used in this connection.

Cost adjustments can occur as a result of rounding amounts to the nearest currency unit.

This posting reference is used when you post an item journal that was produced in one of the following ways:

  • An item transaction is created and approved in the Inventory Change window by a “Cost Adjustment.”
  • An item transaction is created and approved in the Inventory Change window by a “Transfer,” “Inventory Count” or “Misc. Losses,” where costs are adjusted automatically after amounts are rounded up.
  • An inventory count list is approved with volume variances in the Approve Count window, and costs are automatically adjusted after figures are rounded up.
Inventory Count In this field, enter the number of the dimension combination containing a reference to the account on which you want Maconomy to set off entries that adjust the balance of the inventory value account, in the form of a write-up or write-down as a result of an inventory count. The dimension combination can also contain other dimension values to be used in this connection. The inventory value account is specified by means of a dimension combination in the field “Inventory Value.”

This posting reference is used when you post an item journal that was produced in one of the following ways:

  • An item transaction is created and approved in the Inventory Change window by an “Inventory Count.”
  • An inventory count list is approved with volume variances in the Approve Count list.
Misc Losses In this field, enter the number of the dimension combination containing a reference to the account on which you want Maconomy to set off entries to the inventory value account as a result of miscellaneous losses. The dimension combination can also contain other dimension values to be used in this connection. The inventory value account is specified by means of a dimension combination in the field “Inventory Value.”

This posting reference is used when you post an item journal that was produced in the following way:

  • An item transaction is created and approved in the Inventory Change window by “Misc. Losses.”

Company Island

Field Description
Company No. In this field, you can enter a value for the dimension Company, thus assigning the warehouse to the company which owns it. If another company creates transactions causing item movements on the warehouse, Maconomy will automatically create intercompany balances on the accounts specified for the intercompany transaction type “Inventory Journal” in the window Intercompany Accounts in the G/L module. However, if the system parameter “Create intercompany entries for companies with same parent company” is not marked, intercompany entries are only created if the two companies involved are not both assigned to the same parent company.

Furthermore, the balance of the warehouse is represented in the chart of accounts of the company in this field. This means that when entries are created as a result of the posting of item journals, the value in this field will be transferred to those entries which concern the current warehouse.

Once an item, an entry or a transaction has been made for the warehouse, it is no longer possible to change the value in this field.

If you do not enter a value in this field when creating a warehouse, Maconomy transfers the standard value for the dimension Company from the window System Information.

Name This field shows the name of the company specified in the field “Company No.” above.
Base Currency This field shows which currency is used as the base currency in the company specified in the field “Company No.” above. For further information about the concepts of company base currencies and enterprise currency, please see the description of the field “Base Currency” in the window Company Information in the G/L module.

User Island

See the “Getting Started” topic for a description of the fields in the island User.