A/R Entries Sub-Tab

This section includes the fields and descriptions for the A/R Entries sub-tab.

Field Description
Customer No. This field shows the number of the customer assigned to the current customer entry.
Customer Name This field shows the name of the customer assigned to the current customer entry.
Invoice Date This field shows the date on which the entry was posted to the Accounts Payable and Accounts Receivable.
Due Date This field shows the date on which the entry is due for payment. The due date is calculated on the basis of the invoice date and the customer’s payment terms. The date is used when sending reminders and when calculating interest in the windows Change Interest Charge Selection and Change Reminder Selection.
Entry Description This field shows the text assigned to the entry.
Trans. No. This field shows the transaction number of the entry. If the entry is from a general journal, the transaction number was entered manually. If the entry is from an invoicing or crediting in either of the A/R, Sales Order or Job Cost modules, the transaction number corresponds to the invoice, credit memo or job invoice number, which was allocated automatically by Maconomy. If the entry is an interest charge entry or a reminder charge, the trans- action number is allocated automatically from the Interest Notice system numbers in the Set-Up module.
Trans. Type This field shows the transaction type of the customer entry.
Reconciliation Currency This field shows the currency in which the current reconciliation will be made. If payment is made in a currency identical to the currency in which the customer entry was originally registered, reconciliation will be made in the original currency. If payment is made in a currency different from the currency in which the customer entry was originally registered, reconciliation will be made in the assigned customer’s standard currency. Maconomy automatically shows the currency to be used for reconciliation in the field “Reconciliation Currency” on each line.
Reconciliation In this field, you can specify how much of the entry to reconcile. You only have to enter an amount in this field, if the entry is to be partly reconciled against an amount smaller than the amount of the payment, or if you wish to give a cash discount. If the entry is fully reconciled, Maconomy automatically inserts a value corresponding to the balance on the line. Any value specified in this field is shown in the island Customer Payment and Reconciliation Information in the card part of the window.
Note: Note that you cannot change the value in this field once the entry has been approved for reconciliation by means of the action “Approve Reconciliation.” However, if the payment in question has not yet been posted, you can remove the mark in the field “Released” on the current payment in the window Customer Payments and the entry selected for reconciliation in this window is subsequently editable again. See the description of the action “Approve Reconciliation” for further information on this action.
T/P In this field, you select whether to reconcile the entry totally or partly by selecting one of the pop-up options “Totally” or “Partly.”

If you select the option “Totally,” the remainder amount of the entry is automatically inserted in the field “Reconciliation” on the current line and the amounts in the island Payment & Reconciliation Information in the card part of the window are updated accordingly. If the entry is totally reconciled, and the amount entered in the field “Reconciliation” is less than entry’s balance, the difference is automatically suggested as cash discount.

If you select the option “Partly” and press Return, Maconomy automatically inserts the largest possible amount in the field “Reconciled.” The amount inserted depends on the payment’s balance. You can also enter an amount in the field “Reconciled” and select the option “Partly,” if you wish to only partly reconcile part of the payment.

If you have created a new payment in this window, but not specified an assigned customer or settling company, and if you select an entry for partial or total reconciliation against this payment, information on the customer and assigned settling company registered on the entry selected for reconciliation will flow to the card part of the window. Moreover, the table part is updated accordingly so that it only displays open entries registered on the customer in question.

Payments and credit memos are reconciled with debit entries, if you select “Totally.”

In order to approve the reconciliations, you must select the action Approve Reconciliation. See the description of this action for further information on how Maconomy handles amount variances and exchange rate variances when reconciling entries.

Original Amount This field shows the original amount of the entry.
Remainder, Original This field shows the amount which remains to be reconciled in the original currency of the entry. When this balance is zero, the entry is fully reconciled. Maconomy automatically updates the remaining balance in this field when the reconciliation is approved. The value in this field cannot be changed manually.
Original Currency This field shows the original currency of the entry, that is, the currency specified on the invoice, credit memo, interest note, currency adjustment entry or customer payment.
Debit, Standard This field shows the entry’s original amount in the customer’s standard currency, if it is a debit entry.
Credit, Standard This field shows the entry’s original amount in the customer’s standard currency, if it is a credit entry.
Remainder, Standard This field shows the amount which remains to be reconciled in the customer’s standard currency. Amounts that have been selected for reconciliation will not be included in the amount remaining to be reconciled. When this balance is zero, the entry is fully reconciled. Maconomy automatically updates the remaining balance.
Debit, Base This field shows the entry’s original amount in the base currency, if it is a debit entry.
Credit, Base This field shows the entry’s original amount in the base currency, if it is a credit entry.
Remainder, Base This field shows the amount which remains to be reconciled on the current entry in base currency. When this balance is zero, the entry is fully reconciled.
Company of Origin, No. This field shows the number of the company which is responsible for the invoice, credit memo, general journal or interest charge or reminder selection that has caused the current customer entry. See the description of the field “Company of Origin, Name” below for further information on company of origin.
Company of Origin Name This field shows the name of the company which is responsible for the invoice, credit memo, general journal or interest charge or reminder selection that has caused the current customer entry. On invoices, credit memos, and general journals, the responsible company can be specified in the field “Company No.” in the island Company whereas the responsible company on customer entries which are created upon approval of the interest charge or reminder selection is automatically transferred from the field “Company No.” in the island Settling Company on the user or the customer information card. In the window Dimension Derivations in the G/L module, you can prioritize the units from where Maconomy will transfer the value.
Customer Payment Reference This field shows a payment reference assigned to the current entry, if any.