Account Ledger Tab

This section includes the fields and descriptions for the Account Ledger tab.

Entry Selection Island

Field Description
Account No. This is the account number of the account shown in the window. Use the search functions in the Find menu to retrieve other accounts.
Name This is the text entered for the account.
Type This is the account type.
P&L/Balance Sheet This field shows whether the account is a Profit & Loss or Balance Sheet account.
Account Currency This is the standard currency of the account.
Blocked This field is marked if the account is blocked.
Company No. In these fields you can specify a range of company numbers. The Entries sub-tab only shows entries which belong to the specified range of companies. If the Maconomy system contains companies whose fiscal year templates do not include the current period, Maconomy shows an error message. To avoid this problem every time you open this window, Maconomy automatically suggests the company of the user as the criterion in this field.

Entry Selection, Dimensions Island

Field Description
Location Here you can enter a range of location values. The Entries sub-tab will only show entries assigned to dimension values within the given range. If you leave the fields blank, “Location” has no influence on the entry selection.

The values shown in the Period Balances: Opening/Closing island and in the field “Balance” in the Entries sub-tab are calculated from the entries selected in the Account Ledger tab.

Entity The functionality of this field is similar to that of the field “Location” above.
Project The functionality of this field is similar to that of the field “Location” above.
Purpose The functionality of this field is similar to that of the field “Location” above.
Spec. 1-3 The functionality of these fields is similar to that of the field “Location” above.
Local Spec. 1-3 The functionality of these fields is similar to that of the field “Location” above.

Period Island

Field Description
Month/Yr. Here you enter the starting month and year and the ending month and year to define the period for which you wish to see a balance. Enter the month as a figure, for instance, “1” for January, “2” for February, and so on. The period must be created as a fiscal year in the fiscal year template for all companies within the range of companies specified in the Entry Selection island. If you wish to see entries for a period which does not follow your company’s G/L periods, you must enter the period in the “Date” field instead. This field will then show the period to which the starting and ending dates belong.

If you use flexible periods that do not follow the calendar year, the month that you enter refers to the period defined in the window Fiscal Year for the combination of month and year.

Date This is the date range which defines the period for which you want to see account statements. If the period corresponds to one of the fiscal periods of the company, you could supply the dates in the fields “Month/Yr.” instead. If a period is entered in the fields “Month/Yr.,” a date range corresponding to the selected period is automatically displayed in these fields. Using the account number and period, Maconomy retrieves the period balance and movements.

Period Balances: Opening/Closing Island

Field Description
Currency This is the account’s opening and closing balances in the reporting currency.
Enterprise This is the account’s opening and closing balances for the specified period and within the specified dimensions. The amounts are shown in enterprise currency. The balances are updated upon posting and cannot be changed.
Account This is the account’s opening and closing balances for the specified period and within the specified dimensions. The amounts are shown in the currency of the account The balances are updated upon posting and cannot be changed.
Quantity This is the account’s opening and closing quantity balances for the specified period and dimension specification. The balances are updated during posting and cannot be changed here.
Quantity 2 This is the account’s opening and closing quantity 2 balances for the specified period and dimension specification. The balances are updated during posting and cannot be changed here.

Currency Island

Field Description
Reporting Currency In this field, you can specify the currency in which totals in this workspace are to be displayed. The totals in the Period Balances: Opening/Closing island will be converted into and displayed in this currency. If the current user has been assigned to a company in the window Users, Maconomy suggests the company base currency of the company in question.

When converting amounts into the selected currency, Maconomy uses the exchange rates that are valid on the date entered in the field “Exchange Rate Date,” and the exchange rate table used is the exchange rate table selected in the window System Information in the Set-Up module. Please note that Maconomy performs currency conversion even though the original amount has been registered in the same currency as the one specified in this field, which may cause discrepancies between the registered amounts and the amounts shown in this window.

Exchange Rate Date In this field, you can specify an exchange rate date. When converting amounts into the reporting currency, Maconomy uses the exchange rates that are valid on this date according to the enterprise exchange rate table selected in the window System Information in the Set-Up module for conversion of currency amounts. See also the field “Reporting Currency.”