Job Invoice Allocation Tab

This section includes the fields and descriptions for the Job Invoice Allocation tab.

Job Island

Field Description
Job This field shows the name and number of the job to which any job invoices or job credit memos on account pertain.
Job Group This field shows the job group to which the current job is assigned.
Status This is the current job status. When the job is created, it has “Quote” status, unless you have marked the “Created as Order” field in the window System Information. It is then only possible to make quotes from it, not invoices. This is done in the window Quote Editing.

If the field “Created as Order” in the window System Information is marked, jobs are created with “Order” status, but only if the current user has been given access to convert jobs to orders in the window Actions in the Set-Up module.

Project Manager This field shows the name of the project manager of the job.
Responsible This field shows the name of the person in the company responsible for the current job.

Status Island

Field Description
Submitted A check mark in this field shows if the invoice allocation on the job has been submitted.
Submitted by If the invoice allocation on the job has been submitted, this field shows the name of the employee who submitted it.
Submitted Date If the invoice allocation on the job has been submitted, this field shows the date when it was submitted.
Task Group Status This field shows the status of the task group.

Fixed Price Island

Field Description
Invoiced on Account This field shows the amount (fixed price) invoiced on account.
Fixed price This field shows the fixed price of the job.
Fixed Price Basis This field shows the fixed price (basis) of the job (either Budget or Quote).
Fixed Price Budget Type This field shows the budget type that determines the fixed price.

Job Revenue Recognition Island

Field Description
Date This field shows the date of the last revenue recognition.
Percentage This field shows the percentage of revenue recognized.
Amount This field shows the amount of revenue recognized on the job as of the date specified in the field “Date” above.

Customer Island

Field Description
Customer This field shows the number of the customer who has ordered the job. Below it is the first line of the customer’s name, which is retrieved from the window Customer Information Card.
Bill to Customer This field shows the number of the customer who is being invoiced for the job. Below it is the first line of the customer’s name, which is retrieved from the window Customer Information Card. Please note that in case of split billing there may be several bill-to customers on the job. The table part shows the name of each bill-to customer assigned to the job.

Company Island

Field Description
Company This field shows the name and number of the company responsible for the current job.
Base Currency This field shows the base currency of the company to which the job belongs.

Allocation Island

Field Description
Preferred Date In this field, enter the date you want the invoice allocation to take place.
Close Job Place a check mark in this field to have Maconomy close the job when you approve the invoice allocation.
Amount for Allocation This row of fields shows the following amounts:
  • On Account — This is the amount for allocation (reconciliation) on the invoices on account on the job. You can change this amount and let Maconomy set the amount for reconciliation on the open invoices on account accordingly.
  • Job Entries — This is the amount for allocation on the selected job entries on the job. The field is closed for editing.
  • Balance — This shows the difference between the two other fields. You can only submit the job invoice allocation if the balance is zero.
Open Amount This row of fields shows the following amounts:
  • On Account — This is the amount net on account on the job.
  • Job Entries — This is the total open billing price on the job. The amount includes job entries on subjobs that are set up to be invoiced on the main job.
  • Balance — This shows the difference between the two other fields.
Open Amount, Base This row of fields shows the following amounts, in base currency.
  • On Account — This is the amount net on account on the job.
  • Job Entries — This is the total open billing price on the job. The amount includes job entries on subjobs that are set up to be invoiced on the main job.
  • Balance — This shows the difference between the other two fields.
Write Up/Down This row of fields shows the write up/-down on the job. It only includes job entries that are closed through job invoice allocation. The following amounts are shown in the three columns:
  • To Date — This is the current amount (to date).
  • Change — This shows the change after the job invoice allocation has been approved.
  • Total — This is the total amount after the changes.
Allocated Billing Price This row of fields show the allocated billing price of the job entries with three different amounts; see the description for the field “Write Up/Down” above.
Allocated Cost, Base This row of fields show the allocated billing price (at cost price) of the job entries with three different amounts; see the description for the field “Write Up/Down” above.

Last Allocation Island

Field Description
Allocation No. This field shows the number of the last job invoice allocation.
Allocation Date This field shows the date of the last job invoice allocation.
Submitted By This field shows who submitted the last job invoice allocation.
Submitted Date This field shows when the last job invoice allocation was submitted.
Approved By This field shows who approved the last job invoice allocation.
Approved Date This field shows when the last job invoice allocation was approved.
Allocated Amount This field shows the amount of the last job invoice allocation.

Selection Criteria Island

Field Description
Only Open Activities Mark this field if you want the table part to show lines with only open entries.

Revert Island

Field Description
Job Invoice Allocation No. In this field you can enter the number of a previous Job Invoice Allocation for the job. To revert the allocation with this number, run the action “Revert” from the Action menu.

Move Entries Island

Field Description
Date of Movement This field controls the date of the reallocation used by the actions Move Entries To Invoicing and Move Entries From Invoicing.

If no date is entered, the entries will be moved without changing the entry date. However, the entries may not be within the open posting period and you may therefore have to enter a date of movement (similar to Date of Reallocation).

Move Entries Excluded from the Fixed Price By default the Move Entries from Invoicing action only moves entries that, according to the setup, should be included in the fixed price. However, you can override this by marking the Move Entries Excluded From Fixed Price field.

Job Collection Island

Field Description
Job Collection If the job belongs to a job collection, this field shows the description and number of that job collection.