Commission Agreements Tab

This section includes the fields and descriptions for the Commission Agreements tab.

Commission Agreement Island

Field Description
Name Enter the name of the commission agreement. You cannot use the same name for two different agreements. The name is used in the “Commission Agreement” in the window Commission Agreement to assign it to a sales representative for a given period.
Description Enter a detailed description of the commission agreement. This field is for reference only.
Calculation mode Here you can select the basis of the commission agreement. You can choose between “Sales” and “Profit Margin.”

“Sales” is calculated from invoiced line prices in invoices and credit memos. Line price is found from multiplying unit price by quantity, dividing by price unit and deducting line discount. Maconomy also deducts invoice discount, distributing it proportionately to the invoice and credit memo lines. Profit margin is found subtracting cost of sales from sales. Cost of sales is the cost multiplied by quantity divided by price unit. Cost price is retrieved from current warehouse’s line in the table part of the item information card when the item is shipped from the warehouse.

User Island

See the chapter “Getting Started” for a description of the fields in the island User.