Periodic Forecast Lines Sub-Tab

This section includes the fields and descriptions for the Periodic Forecast Lines sub-tab.

Field Description
Description In this field, you can enter a description of the current line. For pre-defined lines, you can only change the description on “Default” lines.
Empl. Cat. No. In this field, you can select an employee category if the current line is in the Hours section of the table part. You cannot select an employee category on the Hours header line itself.
Period 1-12 (For instance Mar 2007) In these fields, you can specify the amount or number of hours expected to incur for the current line in the period indicated by the column heading.

The heading of each column depends on the period selected in the field “Show from Period” in the card part. This means that if the field “Show from Period” is set to March 2007, the heading of period 1 will be set to “Mar 2007,” period 2 will be set to “Apr 2007,” and so on.

For further information about the effects of entering figures in the individual sections of the table part, see the section “Table Part Structure” in the introduction to this window.

Total Shown This field shows the total amount or number of hours specified in the period columns currently viewed on the current line. Any figures entered for periods that are not currently viewed are not included. This means that if you are, for example, viewing the periods of March 2007 to February 2008, any figures entered for January 2007 will not be included in this total, as it is outside the period being viewed.
Job Total This field shows the total amount or number of hours specified on the current line, regardless of the period being viewed. The figure thus includes both figures for the periods being viewed and for periods that are not currently viewed. This means that if you are, for example, viewing the periods of March 2007 to February 2008, any figures entered for January 2007 will also be included in this total.
Default This field shows whether the current line is a default line automatically created by Maconomy. As mentioned in the introduction to this window, forecasts contain a number of default lines that cannot be deleted. This field is marked for these default lines. This allows you to see which lines are default lines, even if you have changed their description. For further information, see the section “The Revenue and Cost Sections” in the introduction to this window.
Forecast Popup 1-5 In these fields, you can select various information about the forecast as a further specification of its purpose or contents. You can choose from the options created for each field. The options are set up using the pop-up types “Forecast Popup 1-5” in the window Popup Fields.