Job Budget Revisions Single Dialogs Workspace

Use this workspace to view all revisions of a job budget and see the changes that have been made to the budget over time.

You can see a full audit trail throughout the lifetime of a job budget. This workspace displays all of the locked revisions of the job budgets for those jobs to which you have access. In other words, this workspace displays all of the revisions that are older than the one that you can work on in the Job Budgets workspace.

You can print any revision of the job budgets.

When you create a revision of the budget (either manually or automatically by approving a job budget) Maconomy takes a snapshot of the budget. This workspace displays these snapshots. This workspace resembles the Job Budgets workspace, except that you cannot change any of the fields here except for the Revision Code and Remarks 1-10 fields in the Revision island. The information in this workspace displays the job budget as it looked when you locked the revision and might not reflect the current contents of the job budget.