Print Picking List Tab

This section includes the fields and descriptions for the Print Picking List Tab.

Selection Criteria Island

Field Description
Warehouse In this field, you can select a warehouse. When printing existing picking lists, the printout will only include picking lists assigned to this warehouse.
Picking List No. If you are reprinting existing picking lists, you can specify in this field a range of picking list numbers, and the printout will only include existing picking lists with numbers within the specified range.
Company No. If you are reprinting existing picking lists, you can specify in this field a range of company numbers, and the printout will only include existing picking lists with a responsible company within the specified range.
Order No. If you mark the checkbox, the printout will include the orders encompassed by the range specified here and in the island Selection Criteria, Sales Orders. When creating picking lists and/or warehouse transactions, this means that new lists and transactions are created for the sales orders matching the range in these fields and in the island Selection Criteria, Sales Orders. When reprinting picking lists, the printout will include all lists assigned to the sales orders that match the range in these fields and in the island Selection Criteria, Sales Orders. To include all orders, mark the checkbox and do not specify a range of sales order numbers.

If you do not mark the check box, the printout will not include any picking lists and/or warehouse transactions assigned to sales orders.

Item Purchase Order No. If you mark the field, the printout will include the item purchase orders matched by the range specified here. This means that when printing existing picking lists, the printout will include lists assigned to an item purchase order within the range specified here. It is not possible to create and print warehouse transactions and picking lists for item purchase orders. To include all orders, mark the field and do not specify a range of item purchase order numbers.

If you do not mark the field, the printout will not include any picking lists and/or warehouse transactions assigned to item purchase orders.

Production Transaction No. This field is not used in the current version of Maconomy.
Manual Inv. Change Trans. No. If you mark the checkbox, the printout will include the manually created inventory change transactions encompassed by the range specified here. This means that when printing existing picking lists, the printout will include lists assigned to a manually created inventory change transaction within the range specified here. It is not possible to create and print transactions and picking lists for manually created inventory change transactions. To include all manual inventory transactions, mark the checkbox and do not specify a range of transaction numbers.

If you do not mark the checkbox, the printout will not include any picking lists assigned to manually created inventory transactions.

Transaction No. If you mark the checkbox, the printout will include the warehouse transactions encompassed by the range specified here. This means that when printing existing picking lists, the printout will include lists assigned to a warehouse transaction within the range specified here. To include all manual inventory transactions, mark the checkbox and do not specify a range of transaction numbers.

If you do not mark the check box, the printout will not include any picking lists assigned to warehouse transactions.

Manual Picking Lists Mark this field if you want the printout to include manually created picking lists. The field can only be marked when reprinting picking lists.

Selection Criteria, Sales Orders Island

Field Description
Company No. In this field, you can specify a range of company numbers. Maconomy will only create and print warehouse transactions and picking lists for sales orders with responsible companies within the specified range. The range in this field only applies if the checkbox “Sales Orders” has been marked in the island Selection Criteria. Whether warehouse transactions, picking lists, or both should be created and printed depends on whether the fields “Create Picking Lists” and “Create Warehouse Transactions” have been marked in the island Print Control.
Picking Date In this field, you can specify a range of picking dates. Maconomy will only create and print warehouse transactions and picking lists for sales orders assigned to a consignment with a picking date within this range. The range in this field only applies if the checkbox “Sales Orders” has been marked in the island Selection Criteria. Whether warehouse transactions, picking lists, or both should be created and printed depends on whether the fields “Create Picking Lists” and “Create Warehouse Transactions” have been marked in the island Print Control.
Consignment No. In these fields, you can specify a range of consignment numbers. Maconomy will only create and print warehouse transactions and picking lists for sales orders assigned to a consignment within the specified range. The range in this field only applies if the checkbox “Sales Orders” has been marked in the island Selection Criteria. Whether warehouse transactions, picking lists, or both should be created and printed depends on whether the fields “Create Picking Lists” and “Create Warehouse Transactions” have been marked in the island Print Control.
Destination No. In these fields, you can specify a range of destination numbers. Maconomy will only create and print warehouse transactions and picking lists for sales orders with a destination number within the specified range. The range in this field only applies if the checkbox “Sales Orders” has been marked in the island Selection Criteria. Whether warehouse transactions, picking lists, or both should be created and printed depends on whether the fields “Create Picking Lists” and “Create Warehouse Transactions” have been marked in the island Print Control.
Consignment Date In these fields, you can specify a range of consignment dates. Maconomy will only create and print warehouse transactions and picking lists for sales orders assigned to consignments with a consignment date within the specified range. The range in this field only applies if the checkbox “Sales Orders” has been marked in the island Selection Criteria. Whether warehouse transactions, picking lists, or both should be created and printed depends on whether the fields “Create Picking Lists” and “Create Warehouse Transactions” have been marked in the island Print Control.
Delivery Date In these fields, you can specify a range of delivery dates. For the orders matching the other selection criteria in this island, Maconomy will only create and print warehouse transactions and picking lists for lines with a delivery date within the specified range. This allows you to create warehouse transactions and picking lists for parts of an order if the order has partial delivery. The range in this field only applies if the checkbox “Sales Orders” has been marked in the island Selection Criteria. Whether warehouse transactions, picking lists, or both should be created and printed depends on whether the fields “Create Picking Lists” and “Create Warehouse Transactions” have been marked in the island Print Control.
Delivery Mode In this field, you can select a delivery mode. Maconomy will only create and print warehouse transactions and picking lists for sales orders with the selected delivery mode. The range in this field only applies if the checkbox “Sales Orders” has been marked in the island Selection Criteria. Whether warehouse transactions, picking lists, or both should be created and printed depends on whether the fields “Create Picking Lists” and “Create Warehouse Transactions” have been marked in the island Print Control.
Delivery Terms In this field, you can select a code for delivery terms. Maconomy will only create and print warehouse transactions and picking lists for sales orders with the selected delivery terms. The range in this field only applies if the checkbox “Sales Orders” has been marked in the island Selection Criteria. Whether warehouse transactions, picking lists, or both should be created and printed depends on whether the fields “Create Picking Lists” and “Create Warehouse Transactions” have been marked in the island Print Control.
Carrier In this field, you can select a carrier. Maconomy will only create and print warehouse transactions and picking lists for sales orders with the selected carrier. The range in this field only applies if the checkbox “Sales Orders” has been marked in the island Selection Criteria. Whether warehouse transactions, picking lists, or both should be created and printed depends on whether the fields “Create Picking Lists” and “Create Warehouse Transactions” have been marked in the island Print Control.
Order Mode In this field, you can enter an order mode. Maconomy will only create and print warehouse transactions and picking lists for sales orders with the selected order mode. The range in this field only applies if the checkbox “Sales Orders” has been marked in the island Selection Criteria. Whether warehouse transactions, picking lists, or both should be created and printed depends on the values in the fields “Create Picking Lists” and “Create Warehouse Transactions” have been marked in the island Print Control.
Consignment Type In this field, you can select a consignment type. Maconomy will only create and print warehouse transactions and picking lists for sales orders with the selected consignment type. The range in this field only applies if the checkbox “Sales Orders” has been marked in the island Selection Criteria. Whether warehouse transactions, picking lists, or both should be created and printed depends on whether the fields “Create Picking Lists” and “Create Warehouse Transactions” have been marked in the island Print Control.
Main Order No. In these fields, you can specify a range of order numbers. Maconomy will only create and print warehouse transactions and picking lists for sales orders linked to a main order whose order number is within the specified range. The range in this field only applies if the checkbox “Sales Orders” has been marked in the island Selection Criteria. Whether warehouse transactions, picking lists, or both should be created and printed depends on whether the fields “Create Picking Lists” and “Create Warehouse Transactions” have been marked in the island Print Control.

Print Control Island

Field Description
Layout In this field, you can select which layout to use for the printout. If no additional layouts for the current printout have been added in the window Print Layout in the Set-Up module, “Standard” is the only option.
Print Closed Picking Lists In this field, you can specify whether to print closed picking lists. If you select “Yes,” the printout will only include picking lists which have been closed and match the specified selection criteria. If you select “No,” the printout will only include picking lists which have not been closed. If you do not select a value, the printout will include both open and closed picking lists.
Reprint Picking Lists In this field, you can specify whether to reprint picking lists which have already been created and printed. If you select “Yes,” the printout will only include picking lists which have previously been printed and match the specified selection criteria. If you select “No,” the printout will only include picking lists which have not previously been printed. If you do not select a value, the printout will include both types of picking lists.
Create Warehouse Transactions If you mark this field, Maconomy will create warehouse transactions for the sales orders and sales order lines matching the selection criteria specified in the islands Selection Criteria and Selection Criteria, Sales Orders. However, the printout also includes existing picking lists and new picking lists matching the selection criteria. The warehouse transaction created for each order is created as explained in the description of the action “Create Warehouse Transaction” in the Sales Orders module.
Create Picking Lists If you mark this field, Maconomy will create and print picking lists from the warehouse transactions matching the selection criteria specified in the island Selection Criteria. If the field “Create Warehouse Transactions” is marked, picking lists are also created for warehouse transactions created in the current processing. The printout also includes existing picking lists matching the selection criteria. Each picking list is created and printed as explained in the window Sales Orders’ description of the action “Print Picking List.” If you do not mark the field “Create Warehouse Transactions,” the printout will only create picking lists for existing warehouse transactions. In the description of the action “Print Picking Lists” in the window sales order, this corresponds to printing picking lists for orders for which a warehouse transaction already exists. If you mark this field, it is not possible to specify selection criteria on picking list numbers. You cannot mark this field if you have selected “Yes” in the field “Reprint Picking Lists” or “Print Closed Picking Lists.”