Print Picking List Single Dialog Workspace

Use this workspace to print picking lists in batches.

You can only print picking lists for orders that have been approved, and for which there are no other open picking lists.

In the Sales Orders workspace, you can print a picking list immediately after you create or change a sales order by using the Print Picking List action. This enables you to move the items to the respective shipping locations on short notice. The creation of a picking list for an order happens as described for the Print Picking List action.

If you handle many sales orders every day, it is convenient to print the picking lists in one operation. You can do this by entering a range of order numbers in this workspace.

You can also print picking lists for order lines to be delivered within a range of delivery dates. This means that you can create warehouse transactions and picking lists for those lines on each order that are to be delivered within a given range of dates, while giving ample notice to warehouse employees, who can then schedule work shifts accordingly.

In the Selection Criteria island, you can specify a range of existing picking lists to be printed, and whether certain types of transactions should be taken into consideration. If you want to create picking lists from sales orders, specify in the Selection Criteria island a range of orders for which picking lists should be created. However, this range is only relevant if you choose to create warehouse transactions and/or picking lists in the Print Control island.

If you cannot print picking lists for a given sales order, Maconomy ignores it. For instance, Maconomy ignores picking lists for blocked sales orders, and you cannot print them until you revoke the blocking the Unblocking workspace in the Sales Orders module. Similarly, Maconomy ignores picking lists for orders with blocked lines and orders concerning customers who have been blocked or blocked for delivery.