Vacation Period Sub-Tab

This section includes the fields and descriptions for the Vacation Period sub-tab.

Field Description
Vacation Period No. Enter the number that identifies the vacation period.
Description Enter a description for the vacation period.
Period Start Enter the date of the first day in this period.
Period End Enter the date of the last day in this period.
Default Allowance, Days

Enter the number of days of initial absence allowance for this period. This number will be used as a default value when assigning allowance for employees at the beginning of a vacation period in Time & Expenses » Absence Administration » Periodic Balance » Absence Transfer.

This field is not influenced by the Time Unit field.

Maximum Days, Carry Forward Enter the maximum number of days that can be carried forward from one vacation period to another.
Valid Till, Carry Forward Enter the date when the days that are carried forward from the previous period should expire. An employee can only use carried-forward days up to this date.
Allow Booking Over Period End Select this check box to allow absence registrations to start in one vacation period and end in another vacation period.
Note: If each period uses a different time unit, this leads to a vacation period with registrations on both hours and days.

It is not recommended to select this check box if the current vacation period and next vacation period are set up to accept registrations in different time units. This allows you to avoid a vacation period with a mix of hours and days registrations.

Time Unit elect one of the following options from the drop-down list:
  • Hours
  • Days

Absence registrations of any absence type created within the period are registered using the selected time unit.

Information on absence registrations in this period are shown in hours or days, according to the current value of this field.

The value can be changed and subsequent registrations in the vacation period will follow this time unit. Thus, a vacation period can have mixed time unit registrations. However, it is not recommended to have a vacation period with a mix of hours and days registrations.

Suggested Maximum days for Absence Booking Enter the suggested maximum number of days that can be booked with a single absence request. A warning will be given when approving requests that cover more than the number of days that is specified in this field.