Customer Payment Tab

This section includes the fields and descriptions for the Customer Payment tab.

Customer Island

Field Description
Customer No. This field displays the number of the customer for whom a new payment is registered.
Attn. This field shows the customer contact.
Std. Currency This field displays the currency used as standard currency by the customer in question.

Customer Payment Island

Field Description
Entry Date This field shows the entry date of the payment in this field. Maconomy suggests today’s date, but this date can be changed manually. If the window displays an already posted payment, this field shows the entry date of the payment in question. You cannot change the entry date of an already posted payment.
Description This field displays text describing the new payment.
Std. Description This field displays you can standardized text describing the payment.
D/C In this field, you specify whether the amount registered is a debit or credit amount. Maconomy suggests debit because a customer payment usually means your company receives a payment.
Journal No. This field shows the number of the current customer payment journal.
Line No. This field shows the line number of the registration of the customer payment in the journal.
Trans. No. This field shows the transaction number of the new payment.
Transaction Type This field displays the transaction type for the customer payment.
Reference Date This field displays a reference date for the current entry.
Reconc. Invoice No. This field displays an invoice number if the payment should be reconciled fully or partly against a posted invoice
Reconcile Transaction No. This field displays a transaction number if the payment should be reconciled fully or partly against a posted customer entry
Job No. For credit memos, this field shows the number of the job to which the credit memo is assigned. For customer payments, this field displays a job number for reference.
Released When this field is marked, the current payment and selected reconciliation is released for posting. The field is automatically marked by Maconomy when a customer entry is approved for reconciliation by means of the action “Approve Reconciliation” in this window.
Posted This field shows whether or not the current payment has been posted. The field is automatically marked by Maconomy when a payment is posted and cannot be edited manually.
Approved for Reconciliation This field shows whether or not a reconciliation has been approved. The field is automatically marked by Maconomy when a customer payment and one or more assigned entries are approved for reconciliation by means of the action “Approve Reconciliation.”

External Account Island

Field Description
Cust. Payment Mode This field displays a customer payment mode.
Payment Agent This field displays a customer payment agent.
Reg. No. This field displays a bank registration number.
External Account No. This field displays an external account number.

Other Information Island

Field Description
Last Statement No. This is the number of the latest historical account statement printed out for the customer.
Date of Last Statement This is the date of the latest historical statement created for the customer.
Current Reminder Level This is the customer’s current reminder level. The customer’s reminder level is the highest level of one of the customer’s open entries. The reminder level of an entry is automatically raised every time you send a reminder to the customer.
Date of Last Reminder This is the date on which you last sent a reminder to the customer.

Remarks Island

Field Description
Remarks In this field, you can enter remarks about the current customer payment. If the payment is the result of reading a customer payment file in the Banking module, and the payment has an error, then the error message will be displayed in this field, for example, “Unknown Payer ID” or “No Collection Order Found.“

Company Island

Field Description
Journal Company This field displays the name and number of the journal company of the customer.
Settling Company This field displays the name and number of the settling company of the customer.

Dimensions Island

Field Description
Location This field shows the value of the dimension Location on the current customer entry. If the entry is caused by an invoice or a credit memo, the value is transferred from the field “Location” in the card part of the current invoice or credit memo. If the customer entry is caused by a general journal, the value is transferred from the field “Location” on the general journal line containing the customer entry. If the customer entry is caused by an interest or reminder selection, the value is transferred from the field “Location” on the information card of the current customer.
Entity The functionality of this field is similar to that of the field “Location” above.
Project The functionality of this field is similar to that of the field “Location” above.
Purpose The functionality of this field is similar to that of the field “Location” above.
Spec. 1-3 The functionality of these fields is similar to that of the field “Location” above.
Local Spec. 1-3 The functionality of these fields is similar to that of the field “Location” above.

Amounts Island

Field Description
Amount, Currency This field shows the amount paid in the original currency of the customer payment.
Amount, Base This field shows the amount paid in the base currency of the company to which the customer is assigned.
Charge, Currency This field displays a charge amount in the original currency of the customer payment.
Charge, Base This field displays a charge amount in the base currency of the customer payment.

Reconciliation Information Island

Field Description
Reconciliation Currency This field shows the currency in which the reconciliation is made.
Customer Payment, Reconciliation Currency This field shows the amount paid by the customer in the currency specified in the field “Reconciliation Currency” above.
Remainder, Reconciliation Currency This field shows how much of the original payment or credit memo amount can still be used to reconcile entries. You cannot reconcile more than the amount in this field. The field is automatically updated by Maconomy when you select entries for reconciliation.
Reconciled in Debit This field displays the debit amount reconciled against the current payment.
Reconciled in Credit This field displays the credit amount reconciled against the current payment.
Cash Discount, Reconciliation Currency This field shows any cash discount manually specified in the reconciliation currency. If you make a full reconciliation of an open entry with an amount smaller than the payment amount, this field will show the cash discount resulting from the reconciliation. The amount is shown as a positive figure. When you approve such a reconciliation, Maconomy suggests that the balance is posted as a cash discount.

When you approve reconciled open entries, Maconomy transfers the cash discount, if any, to a customer reconciliation journal that is ready to be posted in the G/L module or in the window Customer Payments - unless it is posted automatically (see the description of the action “Approve Reconciliation”). When you approve the reconciled payments, Maconomy verifies that the amount does not exceed the cash discount limit. This limit is the percentage specified in the field “Max. Cash Discount” in the cash discount code specified for the current customer in the window Payment Information.

You specify the posting reference to the customer cash discount account by means of a dimension combination in the window Posting References in the G/L module.

Difference, Reconciliation Currency This field shows any difference between the debit and credit amounts, that is, the total amount variance between the current payment amount and the entries selected for reconciliation. If you select an open entry with an amount which exceeds the payment amount, the figure in this field will be positive. When you approve such a reconciliation, Maconomy suggests that this exceeding amount is posted as a cash discount or as a customer payment variance depending on the value, if any, specified in the system parameter “Margin For Customer Payment Variances” in the Set-Up module.

If the reconciliation gives rise to a cash discount, Maconomy verifies that the amount added to any existing cash discount does not exceed the cash discount limit which applies to the customer in question. This limit is the percentage specified in the field “Max. Cash Discount” in the cash discount code specified for the current customer in the window Payment Information. Maconomy transfers the cash discount to a customer reconciliation journal, which is ready to be posted in the G/L module or in the window Customer Payments - unless it is posted automatically.

If you have specified a value in the system parameter “Margin For Customer Payment Variances” and if the reconciliation gives rise to an amount variance which is within the value specified in the parameter, variance amounts are posted on an account for customer payment variances. The posting reference for customer payment variances is specified in the window Posting References in the G/L module.

If the payment or crediting is not fully used to reconcile an invoice, the balance in this field is shown as a negative figure.

Cash Discount, Base This field shows any cash discount manually specified in the base currency
Difference, Base This field shows any difference between the debit and credit amounts, that is, the total amount variance between the current payment amount and the entries selected for reconciliation, expressed in the base currency.

Document Archive Island

Field Description
Document Archive No. This field shows the number of the document archive assigned to the customer payment.
Document Count This field shows the number of documents in the document archive assigned to the customer payment.
Document Name This field shows the name of the document assigned to the customer payment.