Warehouses Sub-Tab

This section includes the fields and descriptions for the Warehouses Sub-Tab.

Field Description
Warehouse This field shows to which warehouse the item is assigned.
Deliv. Time This is the item’s delivery time in days. This information is used in the Sales Orders module to inform a customer of an expected delivery date, if the item is temporarily out of stock. Maconomy then calculates a delivery date based on the delivery time.
Stock On Hand This is the current stock on hand, expressed in item units.
Quotes This field shows how many item units are under quote. Items under quote are not reserved in the warehouse.
Sales Orders This field shows the current volume of sales orders.

If you have Maconomy Bill of Materials, and if this item is a raw material, the order volume here will include the quantity of units reserved in the BOM Production window.

Available This field shows how many item units are available in the warehouse.

If your company uses the “By Picking” back order method, the available inventory is calculated as the current inventory, less sales orders and back orders.

If your company uses the “By Reservation” back order method, the available inventory is calculated as the current inventory, less sales orders. The available inventory cannot be negative.

Back Orders This field shows the volume of back orders item units.

If you have Maconomy Bill of Materials, and if this item is a raw material, the back order volume here will include the quantity of units on back order in the BOM Production window.

Purchase Orders This field shows how many item units are currently on order from the vendor.
Production This field shows how many units of the item are used in a production in the BOM production window. An item is used in production if it is a BOM part with inventory control that is in a production transaction for which raw materials are reserved.
Stock Location This is the item’s location in the warehouse. You can change it.