Job Planning Tab

This section includes the fields and descriptions for the Job Planning tab.

Job Island

Field Description
Job This is the name and number of the job whose budget is shown in the window. It cannot be changed here. The name is entered, and can only be changed, in the Jobs window.
Job Group This is the job group the job is assigned to. You cannot change it here. The job group can be changed in the Jobs window as long as the job is on quote.
Status This is the job’s status. It is either “Quote” or “Order.” It cannot be changed here.

When you create a job, it has “Quote” status. By choosing “Convert to Order” in the Jobs window, the status is changed to “Order.”

Template This field shows whether the job is a template job or a normal job.
Responsible This is the name of the person in the company who is responsible for the job. You can change the name in the Jobs window.
Closed This field shows whether the job is closed. If it is marked, the job is closed. You cannot change it here.

A job is closed by choosing “Close Job” in the Action menu in the Jobs window, and it is reopened by choosing “Reopen Job,” also in the Action menu in the Jobs window.

As long as a job is marked as closed, it is not possible to enter new budget lines or to change the information in existing budget lines. Nor is it possible to make entries to the job. However, you can always reopen the job.

Company Island

Field Description
Company This field shows the name and number of the company responsible for the current job. The number is specified in the window Jobs when the job is created. It cannot be changed here.

Line Creation Island

Field Description
Default Line Type In this pop-up field, you can select a default value for the field “Line Type” in new job budget lines added to the job budget.

Transfer Job Dates Island

Field Description
Activity Type This field displays the type of the current activity.
Overwrite Existing Dates With this check box, you can decide whether the “Transfer Job Dates” action should overwrite any dates already entered by the user in the job budget line “Planned Starting Date” and “Planned Ending Date” fields.

User Island

See the chapter “Getting Started” for a description of the fields in the island User.

Budget Type Island

Field Description
Show Budget In this field, you can specify which budget lines you want to see. When you open the window Job Planning or browse through a different job in this window, you will see the budget of the type you looked at last.
Planning Budget In this field, you choose the budget to be used as the current job’s planning budget. The planning budget is used to register dates, employees, and items to give an overview of the expected use of these resources. Planning budgets can be analyzed using the Analyzer report/report template Planning Budgets.

If the value in this field is changed, Maconomy checks the existence of any planning lines in the window Detailed Planning in the Resource Planning module which have been created on the basis of the previous planning budget. Are there no such lines, the planning budget for the job in question will be changed. If such planning lines exist, however, Maconomy will issue a warning indicating that all planning lines assigned to the current budget will be removed from the detailed planning.

If the current planning budget belongs to a job for which one or both of the job parameter attributes “Duplicate lines (amount) on planning budget” or “Duplicate lines (time) on planning budget” have the value “No,” you can only change the budget type if the selected type does not contain more than one line with the same combination of activity and task. If you change the budget type, Maconomy will issue a warning, and any job progress entries and task progress entries are deleted for the job. The table part of the window Job Planning shows budget lines from the planning budget of the current job.

Customer Island

Field Description
Customer This is the name and number of the ship-to customer the job is for. It cannot be changed. The customer’s name is entered in the Jobs window.

Settling Company Island

Field Description
Settling Company This field shows the name and number of the settling company that applies to the current job.

If the number in this field is different from the one specified in the island Company, Maconomy will automatically create intercompany entries at the posting of job invoices. In the intercompany entries, the company in this field will be the intercompany company. However, if the system parameter “Create intercompany entries for companies with same parent company” is not marked, intercompany entries are only created if the two companies involved are not both assigned to the same parent company.

For further information about the influence of a settling company and how such a company is selected, please see the section “Multiple Companies” in the chapter “Introduction to the G/L Module.” Intercompany entries are described in the window Intercompany Accounts in the G/L module.

Resource Planning Island

Field Description
Booking Type In this field, you can specify a default booking type to apply to all budget lines for the planning budget, as well as to all detailed planning lines associated with the budget lines. The three booking types are “Preliminary,” “Requested,” and “Confirmed.” The type selected in this field is automatically suggested on lines created in the table part of the window.

If you change the value in this field, the booking type is changed on all budget lines and related detailed planning lines. Note that the value of the field can be changed to “Preliminary” or “Requested” as required, but it can only be changed to “Confirmed” if the current allocation does not conflict with other confirmed allocations specified for the employee in question. If a conflict occurs so that the current allocation and one or more other confirmed allocations would cause the planning time of the employee on the current line to be exceeded, the booking type of the current line will automatically be set to “Requested.” For more information, please see the description of the field “Booking Type” in the table part.

On Hold If this field is marked, it means that the action “Put on Hold” has been selected for the job. The field is unmarked if the action “Resume” is selected. For more information, see the action “Put on Hold.”
Date This field shows the date on which the current job was put on hold, if the field “On Hold” above is marked.
By This field shows the name of the user who put the current job on hold, if the field “On Hold” above is marked.
Expected Resume Date In this field you can specify the date on which you expect the current job to be resumed, if it is currently on hold. The field is for information only.
Resumed If this field is marked, it means that the current job has once been put on hold, but has been resumed through the use of the action “Resume.” The field cannot be unmarked. For more information, see the action “Resume.”
Date This field shows the date on which the current job was resumed, if the field “Resumed” above is marked.
By This field shows the name of the user who resumed the current job, if the field “Resumed” above is marked.
Automatic Allocation Method Sometimes it is known at the time of the planning of a job that a certain employee should carry out a given task, and the distribution of allocations in the detailed plan is inconsequential. You can let Maconomy take over the planning of time activities on the lines in the table part, provided that the budget shown in the window is the latest approved revision of the planning budget by specifying a value in this field.

This field can have three values:

  • Blank — If you select this option, no automatic allocation is made. If you have previously made automatic allocations and then reset this field to the blank value, the detailed planning allocations will be preserved, but they will no longer be automatically updated.
  • Early Allocation — If you select this option, Maconomy will allocate as many hours as possible as early in the plan as possible, when a number of hours is specified in the field “Quantity” on a line in the table part of the window.
  • Even Allocation — If you select this option, Maconomy will allocate the number of hours specified in the field “Quantity” evenly on the detailed planning line within the time span defined in the window Detailed Planning.

For more information about these options, please see the field “Method” in the window Detailed Planning in the Resource Planning module.

When a value other than blank is selected, any existing planning lines are deleted from the budget, and new planning lines are created according to the specified method. This takes place when the budget is approved (from any window, including Job Budgets and Job Progress), but only for lines where an employee, a starting date, and an ending date have been specified. If any of these items of information is later removed, it corresponds to selecting the blank value for the line—the detailed planning line is not removed, but is no longer updated automatically.

If no employee has been specified on a line when you approve the budget, the automatic allocation will not be performed until an employee is assigned to the task in the Resource Planning module.

Maconomy tries to make a confirmed allocation, but if the specified number of hours cannot be allocated within the available planning time of the employee in question, the allocation will be marked as “Requested.”

If the Job Progress or Task Progress functionality is being used, the starting date for the allocation will be the latest estimate date instead of the planned starting date, and you cannot let the estimate date exceed the planned ending date.

Detailed planning lines created as a result of automatic allocation in this window cannot be locked.

It is possible to specify an automatic allocation method for jobs set up with the Day time unit.