Job Reallocation Entries Sub-Tab

This section includes the fields and descriptions for the Job Reallocation Entries sub-tab.

Field Description
Job No. In this field you can see the number of the job on which the entry was registered.
Act. No. In this field you can see the number of the activity for the job entry.
Item No. In this field you can see an item number if items were assigned to the job entry.
Empl. In this field you can see the number of the employee that the job entry was assigned to.
Description In this field you can see the description of the entry.
Created By This field shows what user created the entry.
Creation Date This field shows when the entry was created.
Changed By This field shows what user last changed the entry.
Changed Date This field shows when the entry was last changed.
Approved By This field shows what user approved the entry.
Approval Date This field shows when the entry was approved.
Quantity In this field you can see the quantity of units that were registered for the activity and assigned to the job entry. If the entry is a time activity, the quantity will be hours.
Total Cost In this field you can see the total cost price reallocated.
Billing Price Total This field shows the billing price of the job in the job’s currency. The “Time,” “Amount,” and “Total” fields show the three sums of the “Billing Price Open” and “Billing Price Invoiced” fields. The three sums are the invoiced billing price plus the open billing price for time activities, amount activities, and a total for all lines. The values cannot be changed here.
New Quantity In this field you can see the number of units on the allocated entry.
New Cost Price In this field you can see the unit price for the job entry created upon reallocation.

New cost price Total This field shows the total cost price.