Invoice Selection Single Dialog Workspace

Use this workspace to view and update invoicing and pre-invoicing activities for jobs managed in the Job Cost module.

You can also use this workspace to create invoices on account—invoices for work that has not yet been performed.
Note: The description of this workspace assumes that you are creating invoices, but most of the features also apply to creating credit memos.

You can only see information about a job in this workspace if the job has "Order" status.

Contents of Workspace

The Invoice Selection tab provides general and account information about the current job.

The Job Invoice Selection Lines sub-tab displays all job entries, summarized according to the invoice layout rule selected for the job. In the Invoice Layout Rules workspace, you can choose how entries are summarized—for example, by Activity at the first level and by Task at the second level. The sub-tab only displays values for the dimensions that are used in the summarization.

You can invoice just part of an entry, or you can change the invoice amount or quantity in the Itemize Invoice Selection workspace.

If you create a line in Invoice Selection and the job is set up with a task list, you will be prompted to specify a task.

If a job is set up with a surcharge rule, all lines that match the surcharge rule get a surcharge. You can also update a budget with the surcharge.

If you specified employee control for the current job in the Jobs workspace, you can only create entries for employees who appear in the job's budget or who are listed in the job's employee control list.

If the Use Fixed Budget Type for Employee Control system parameter is selected, Maconomy uses a budget of the type specified in the Budget Type No. for Employee Control system parameter. Otherwise Maconomy uses the planning budget.

When you finish reviewing and updating selected entries, you must approve the entries before they can be invoiced. Use the Approve Invoice Selection or Approve for Invoicing On Account action. Maconomy saves the date of approval and name of the approver and displays this information in the Status island.

Next you can edit the invoice in the Invoice Editing workspace. Editing may be mandatory, depending on the settings in the Invoice Approval job parameter. If you change any information after approving the selected entries, you must approve them again before they can be invoiced.

The invoice layout (headers, detail, subtotals, and so on) is determined by the settings in the Invoice Layout Rules workspace in Job Cost » Set-up.

If a project manager or employee has proposed different hours, quantities, or billing prices for one or more job entries, use the Apply Invoice Proposals action to apply these changes.

To review the proposed values before applying them, open the Itemize Invoice Selection workspace and view the values in the Proposed Quantity, Proposed Billing Price, Unit and Proposed Billing Price, Total fields.

To invoice an approved invoice selection, use the Print Invoice action in either this workspace or the Invoice Editing workspace.

If the invoice selection is a credit, use the Print Credit Memo action in either this workspace or the Invoice Editing workspace.

You can also invoice several jobs at the same time in the Job Invoicing workspace, as long as the invoice selections have been approved in this workspace or in the Approve Invoice Selection or Invoice Editing workspaces.

If you are using split billing for a job (meaning that multiple bill-to customers are selected for the job in the Bill to Customer Distribution workspace), one invoice is created for each bill-to customer. You can edit each of these invoices in the Invoice Editing workspace.

You can also prepare credit memos in this workspace. If the amount is negative in the Total field in the Invoice Selection island, Maconomy considers it a credit.

If the current job is a main job, and the job's invoice layout rule specifies Main Job Invoicing and Main Job Invoice Selection, Maconomy looks at the total of the main job and its sub-jobs to determine whether a job should be credited or invoiced.

You can also create a credit based on a job invoice for the current job. Use the Invoice to Credit Memo action. When you base a credit memo on an invoice, you can also restore job entries, restoring the job status to the way it was before invoicing.

If you are displaying information for a main job, and the invoice layout rule for the main job specifies Main Job Invoicing, the lines in the sub-tab are the sum of the entries for the main job and all sub-jobs. The lines are summarized according to the invoice layout rule of the main job.

You can set up a job so that some entries are included in the fixed price of the job and others are considered "outlays" and are invoiced as separate amounts. Several settings control what is included in the fixed price of a job, including the Fixed-price Inclusion Setup job parameter and the settings in the Job Allocation Combinations workspace.

The Fixed-price Inclusion Setup job parameter gives you the option to have inclusion controlled by an entry's cost type, an entry's task, or by the Job Allocation Combination selected for the job.

Entries included in the fixed price of a job are displayed in the Invoice Selection workspace with quantities and amounts of zero.

You cannot manually change the job entries for fixed-price jobs in this workspace. This is to ensure that the job is not invoiced by mistake. However, you can create invoices on account.

When you invoice outlays in this workspace, amounts invoiced on account for fixed-price jobs are included in the suggested on-account reduction.

Use this workspace to review and modify job entries that correspond to a given line in the Job Invoice selection Lines sub-tab of the Invoice Selection workspace.

If the Only Open Activities option is selected in the Selection Criteria island of the Invoice Selection workspace, this workspace only displays activities that have open entries.

If a job has the Transfer Write-Up/Down to Fixed Allocation Combination job parameter set to Yes, any write-up or write-down of the job using the Transfer Desired Sales Price or Transfer Fixed Price action is allocated to a separate allocation combination. In other words, the change in the sales price is not transferred proportionally to the entries selected for invoicing. Instead, the difference is allocated to a single new entry whose dimensions are determined by the Write-Up/Down job parameter.

Depending on the current invoice layout, the write-up or write-down may be displayed on a separate line in the invoice selection and possibly on the invoice itself.

If a job has the Allow Write-Up/Down at Transfer Billing Price Only job parameter set to Yes, you cannot change quantities, billing prices, or markup percentages by editing the invoice lines directly in this workspace. You must use the Transfer Desired Sales Price or Transfer Fixed Price actions.