
This section shows the actions available in the G/L Report Set-Up workspace.

Top Pane

Field Description
Print Report Select this action to print the report in the window. If you are working on a Macintosh, check the Page Setup to make sure that your setup matches the horizontal/vertical layout of the report.

When you select this action, Maconomy checks whether an identical report with a validity date that has not yet expired has already been saved and issues a warning if this is the case, allowing you to cancel the process. The conditions for the current report to be identical to an existing, saved report are described in the field “Number of Days until Expiry.”

If the field “Save Output Data” has been marked, the report is also saved when you select this action and will be available in the Show G/L Reports workspace. For further information on saving reports, see the field “Save Output Data.”

Reprint Report Select this action to reprint a report that has already been saved in the system, rather than generating a new report. If you want to reprint a report, you must specify in this workspace the exact selection criteria of the desired report. You can see the criteria of the individual saved reports in the Reprint G/L Reports workspace. If none of the reports saved in Maconomy has the exact selection criteria that you have specified in this workspace, Maconomy issues an error message. If several saved reports have the exact same selection criteria, Maconomy reprints the one that was generated most recently.
Create Tab-separated File Select this action to create a tab-separated file consisting of selected data from the current report. You can then edit the file in another program, for example, a spreadsheet editor. If the field “Enter File Name” is marked for the current report, you will be asked to specify a name and a location for the created file. If the field is not marked, Maconomy names the file automatically and places it in the Maconomy program folder.

When you select this action, Maconomy checks whether an identical report with a validity date that has not yet expired has already been saved and issues a warning if this is the case, allowing you to cancel the process. The conditions for the current report to be identical to an existing, saved report are described in the field “Number of Days until Expiry.”

Create RTF File When you select this action, Maconomy runs the current report, creating an RTF file with the output data. An RTF file is a formatted file which can be opened in, for example, Microsoft® Word®. The data will be set up in a table in the file created. If the field “Enter File Name” is marked for the current report, you will be asked to specify a name and a location for the created file. If the field is not marked, Maconomy names the file automatically and places it in the Maconomy program folder.

When you select this action, Maconomy will ask you to point out an existing RTF file to use as template for new RTF files. The template file must contain definitions of all the styles used in the report, that is, the styles pointed out in the line style definitions selected on the individual lines in the table part of this workspace. For a detailed description of the line style functionality, see the description of the Line Styles window.

If the field “Save Output Data” has been marked, the report is also saved in the Maconomy database when you select this action and will be available in the Show G/L Reports workspace. For further information on saving reports, see the field “Save Output Data.”

Maconomy checks if an identical report with a validity date that has not yet expired has already been saved and issues a warning if this is the case, allowing you to cancel the process. The conditions for the current report to be identical to an existing, saved report are described in the field “Number of Days until Expiry.”

Copy Report Lines Select this action to copy lines to the current report, from the report identified in the “Report No.” field in the “Copying” island, whose line number is in the range given in the “Line No.” field. When the lines are copied, the line references are renumbered.
Delete Report Lines Select this action to delete a range of line numbers. The range is specified in the “Line No.” field in the Deletion island. Line number references are renumbered after deletion.