Payment Reconciliation Sub-Tab

This section includes the fields and descriptions for the Payment Reconciliation sub-tab.

Field Description
Invoice No. This field shows the vendor entry’s invoice number.
Trans. No. This field shows the vendor entry’s transaction number.
Trans. Type This field shows the transaction type of the vendor entry.
Invoice Date This field shows the vendor entry’s invoice date.
Entry Description This field shows the vendor entry’s entry text.
Debit, Currency This field shows the debit amount in currency on the current vendor entry.
Credit, Currency This field shows the credit amount in currency on the current vendor entry.
Discount, Currency This field shows how much discount was given in the vendor’s currency in this reconciliation.
Paid, Currency This field shows how much of the vendor entry was paid in the vendor’s currency.
Remainder, Currency This field shows the remainder of the vendor entry in the vendor’s currency.
Paid, Base This field shows the amount paid by the vendor entry. The amount is stated in the vendor’s base currency.
Discount, Base This field shows how much discount the vendor has been granted. The amount is stated in the vendor’s currency.
Supplier No. This field shows the number of the supplier whom the current entry concerns.
Entry Line Number This field shows the line number of the current vendor entry.