Job Pre-Invoice Tab

This section includes the fields and descriptions for the Job Pre-Invoice tab.

Job Pre-Invoice Island

Field Description
Invoice No. This field shows the pre-invoice's number.
Invoicing Job No. This field shows the pre-invoice's job number.
Bill to Customer This field shows values derived from the Bill to Customer field on the Show Job Invoice workspace.
Appropriation This field shows values derived from the Appropriation field on the Show Job Invoice workspace.
Settling Company This field shows values derived from the Settling Company field on the Show Job Invoice workspace.
Invoice Date This field shows the information entered in the Invoice Date field on the Show Job Invoice workspace.
Total, Invoice Currency This field shows the total amount entered in the invoice currency from the Show Job Invoice workspace.
Total, Standard Currency This field shows the total amount entered in the Total In Standard field on the Show Job Invoice workspace converted into the bill-to customer's currency.

Status Island

Field Description
Pre-Invoice Status This field shows one of the following statuses of the pre-invoice:
  • Pending payment — The pre-invoice is awaiting a payment by the customer. It cannot participate in T&M reconciliation and does not affect the job on account totals. No A/R or G/L entries exist for the pre-invoice.
  • Selected for reconciliation — The pre-invoice is selected for reconciliation on a journal (for example, a customer payment journal or a general journal).
  • Payment received — A full or partial payment has been reconciled against this pre-invoice. The pre-invoice has been posted, resulting in A/R and G/L entries. The pre-invoice can participate in T&M reconciliation and is included in job on account totals.
  • Selected for cancellation — The pre-invoice has been selected for cancellation on a T&M draft invoice.
  • Cancelled — The pre-invoice is cancelled. No customer payment can be reconciled against such a pre-invoice. The pre-invoice cannot participate in T&M reconciliation.
  • Selected for cancellation reversal — The pre-invoice is selected for reversal of cancellation on a T&M draft credit memo.
Date of Cancellation This field shows the date when the pre-invoice was cancelled, if the pre-invoice is in a Cancelled state.
Cancelled on Invoice This field show the invoice number of the T&M invoice where this pre-invoice was cancelled. This field is set only if the pre-invoice is in a Cancelled state.
Cancellation Reported This field shows whether or not the pre-invoice is cancelled, and the cancellation was reported on a T&M invoice.
Reported on Invoice This field shows the T&M invoice number where the cancellation of this pre-invoice was reported. This field is set only if the Cancellation Reported field is selected.
Selected for Cancellation Reversal This field shows the invoice number of the T&M credit memo where the cancellation of this pre-invoice was most recently reversed.
Date of Payment Reconciliation If the pre-invoice is in a Payment Received state, this field shows the reconciliation date of the payment.