Combine Firm Records

Use the Combine Firm utility to combine existing duplicate firms from the Firms hub.

Warning: We strongly recommend that you back up your database before you run the Combine Firms utility because there is no way to undo the combining process.

To combine firms:

  1. In the Navigation pane, select Utilites > Key Conversions > Combine Firms.
  2. On the Combine Firms form, click the Combine Records tab.
  3. On the Combine Records form, click + Add Firm below the grid.
  4. In the blank row in the grid, enter the firm to combine and the other firm to combine it with.
  5. Repeat steps 3 and 4, as needed, to specify other firms to combine.
  6. Click the Combine Records button. The records are merged together in the Firms hub, and related fields and existing accounts payable and accounts receivable transactions throughout DPS are updated.