Transaction Center and Multiple Companies

You can process transactions within a single company or you can process transactions across companies.

Active Company

When you track multiple companies in DPS, each transaction is owned by the company that is the active company when you create the transaction file.

To view, edit, or post a transaction file, you must select as the active company the same company that was active when the transaction file was created.

To change the active company in the browser application, click the name of the current company on the toolbar and select a company from the drop-down list. To change the active company in the desktop application, select Utilities > Change Company and then select a company on the Company Selection dialog box.

As you enter transactions, the active company determines which:

  • Firms (vendors) you can use.
  • Accounts payable accounts you can specify.
  • Bank codes you can specify.

Transaction Filenames Must Be Unique

Record keys, including names for transaction files, must be unique across the enterprise. For example, if you post a transaction file called APSept19 and someone in another company attempts to post a transaction file with the same name, DPS displays an error message and requests that the user enter a unique filename.

Deltek recommends that you establish a naming convention for your transaction files across the enterprise.