General Tab of Roles

Use this tab to enter a role's profile information, including the name and type of role, and select the menu items (applications) that this role can access.


Field Description
Role When you select a role on the lookup, DPS populates this field with the role name. When you create a new role, you must enter the name of the role in this field.
Full access to menu items Select this option to assign this role full access rights to all DPS menu items in both the browser application and the desktop application. All menus added in future versions of DPS will be available to this role.

If you do not select this option, you must manually select items from the menu tree below. This list of menu items reflects the DPS navigation tree; therefore, if you customized your navigation tree, this list will reflect those changes.

Navigation menu items If you do not want to assign full access to all menu items, select the menu items for which you will establish rights. Click the plus sign next to a menu item to expand the tree and see sub-menus.

The tree includes all menu items in both the browser application and the desktop application. Menu items that exist in both applications only appear once. Your decision to grant or not grant access to one of those items determines access in both applications.

Enable All/Disable All Select the Enable All button to enable all menu options shown on the menu grid.

Select the Disable All button to disable all menu options shown on the menu grid. This is helpful for when you need to quickly disable all menu options for a role.

Type of Role

Select one or more of the following check boxes to determine the type of role:


If you create a security role for use during the DPS setup process, select this check box. When you do, the other options under Type of Role are selected as well, giving the role all of the properties provided by the other role types. In addition, the menu options list on this tab changes to display the options relevant to the setup process so you can select those that you want the role to have access to. When users are assigned a setup role to log in to DPS, the Navigation menu displays only the setup options to which their role gives them access.


Select this option to give the role administrative privileges for the following:

  • Dashboard: The role can save the dashboard layout for other users.
  • Process Queues: The role can stop and start process queues and see jobs submitted by other users in the process queue manager.
  • Lookups: The role can access all records in lookups.
  • Hubs: The role can use the Tab Designer to customize hub labels.
  • Login: The role can retain log in privileges even if all users are disabled in the "user activity" application.


This option is available when you have the Accounting and CRM modules or only the Accounting module. This option enables the Select Period dialog box. The Type of Role can be set to either Accounting or Administrator, which allows enterprises with non-accounting users to enter new projects and associated information, without the ability to approve them for use in accounting applications.

Employees who have the Accounting role can approve projects, firms, and employees for use in Accounting applications.

The administrator can designate certain hub fields as Required for an Accounting user. Fields that are marked required must contain data to save the respective hub record.


This option is available when Accounting and CRM are installed. It gives users access to employee, project, and firm records marked as Available to CRM users. If the user is not also marked as an Accounting user, they can enter new records but do not have to complete fields required for Accounting users. They cannot approve records for use in Accounting applications.

The administrator can designate certain hub fields as required for a CRM user.

Favorites Organizing This field controls the role's ability to save or delete searches, favorites, and reports in Reporting and Performance Canvases. It also controls whether a user who creates a custom search for a hub or application in the browser application can make that search available to other users.

The options are the following:

  • Save Personal Only: This option saves searches, favorites, and sets of report options for personal use only. You cannot share them with other DPS users. You cannot create, rename, or delete folders within any of the Global folders.
  • Save For My Role: This option saves searches, favorites, and sets of report options for yourself and all others who share your security role.
  • Save For All Roles: This option saves searches, favorites, and sets of report options for yourself, all others who share your security role, and for global access by any co-worker using DPS.
Process Queues Use this setting to control the role's ability to schedule report and postings jobs. A setting of 0 gives the role access to schedule all reports and postings to all queues. A higher setting limits the queues the role can use.

For example, Allow priority 2 (or higher) means that a role only has permission to schedule jobs in queues marked as priority 2, 3, 4, and so on. Users cannot submit jobs to priority 1 queues.

API Access: Allow Access to SOAP API Select the Allow Access to SOAP API check box to give the members of this security role access to the DPS SOAP-based API. This setting does not affect access to the DPS REST-based API.
Organization Record Access Select the organizations that the role can access on the Organization lookup.

This setting also applies to General Ledger Reporting.

  • All Organizations: This option saves gives access to all organizations in the DPS database.
  • Individual Organizations: Use the Advanced or SQL Where Clause search options to look up and select individual organizations.
Search Options Section

Select the search options that the role can use when searching for records in the desktop application. These options do not apply to searches in the browser application.

  • Select Enable Searching Across Info Centers to enable an additional Lookup Search Types and Fields column on the Advanced Search dialog box. Use these fields to dictate the search criteria for searching across multiple hub records.
  • Select Allow Lookup Limit Override to make the Override Lookup Limit button available on the lookup dialog box for the selected role. This option is editable if the Use Lookup Limits option is selected on the Lookups tab of Settings > General > General System.