Contents of the Options Form

Use this form to specify the items that display on a timesheet and the items that employees must enter on their timesheets in Timesheets in My Stuff.

If you use multiple companies, you must enter the settings on this form for each company. The active company's name displays on the right side of the DPS title bar. Use the company drop-down list beside the active company's name to open a different company and enter Time Settings for a different company.


Field Description
Company Name If you use multiple companies, the name of the active company displays at the top of the form.
Employee Signature Required Select whether or not employees must enter their DPS user name and password as their signature when they submit timesheets.

You enter user names and passwords for employees on the Users form in Settings > Security > Users.

Signer's Text This field displays if you selected Yes for Employee Signature Required.

Enter the text that you want to display in a message that employees will receive after they enter their DPS user name and password (signature) before they submit their timesheets.

Click above the field to open the text editor and format the text.

Time Entered In Select the hourly increment that employees must use when they enter their hours in a timesheet:

Options are:

  • Any
  • Tenth
  • Quarter
  • Half
  • Whole
Entering Overtime Select whether or not employees can enter overtime hours on their timesheets.

When you select Yes:

  • An Overtime field displays in the day/date field drop-down box in Timesheets.
  • Employees can also choose whether or not to display an Overtime totals column on their timesheets by clicking to the right of the timesheet grid and making the selection on the Right Grid Column Selections dialog box.

The Overtime-2 field displays on a timesheet if you select the Secondary Overtime check box on the General tab in Settings > Advanced Accounting > System in the desktop application.

Allow Staff to Resubmit This field displays only if you have not enabled timesheet approvals on the Time Approvals form in Time Settings.

Select whether to allow employees to modify submitted timesheets and then resubmit them for processing. This setting applies only to employees whose level is set to Staff in the Timesheet Administration Level field on the Time & Expense tab of the Employee hub.

Employees with group and/or system administration levels can resubmit their own timesheets if the appropriate options are specified on the Time & Expense tab of the Employees hub.

If you enable timesheet approvals on the Time Approvals form in Time Settings, you determine whether employees can resubmit their timesheets in the approval workflow that you set up for timesheets in Approval Workflows Settings.

Require Comments Select whether or not to require employees to enter comments for all hours that they enter on their timesheets. When you select Yes, employees must enter a comment in the Comment field that displays in the day/date field drop-down box in the timesheet grid in Timesheets before they can save a timesheet.

You can use the Required Comments for Hours setting on the Time & Expense tab of the Projects hub in the desktop application to override the Require Comments settings on the Options form in Time Settings on a project-by-project basis. The setting in the Projects hub does not apply to time categories that you set up for projects, such as vacation and sick leave.

Enable Start/End Time Select whether or not to use start and end times on timesheets. The start and end times that employees enter on their timesheets are used to calculate the actual number of hours that they work. The number of hours worked is rounded to the nearest tenth, quarter, half or whole hour increment. This setting does not apply when employees enter units on their timesheets.

When you select Yes to enable start and end times:

  • The Start End Time Entry field displays below the Enable Start/End Time field on this form. Select whether not to have employees enter start and end times by project or by day.
  • The following check boxes are added to the Time & Expense tab of the Employees hub:
    • Require Employee to Enter Start and End Times: This allows you to require entry of start and end times on a timesheet on an employee-by-employee basis. When you select this check box for an employee, Start Time and End Time fields are included on the Timesheets form for the employee.
    • Allow Employees to Enter Meals and Breaks: This allows you to specify the employees who will enter on their timesheets the time taken for meals and the number of breaks taken. When you select this check box for an employee, meal time fields and a Breaks Taken field are included on the Timesheets form for the employee.
Start End Time Entry This field displays when you select Yes for Enable Start/End Time. In this field, specify how employees will enter start and end times on timesheets.

Options are:

  • By Project: On a timesheet, employees enter start and end times for each project by clicking in the hours entry field for a day/date in the Timesheet grid. Start Time and End Time fields are included in the drop-down box that opens.
  • By Day: On a timesheet, employees enter start and end times for each day by clicking to the right of a day's heading at the top of the Timesheet grid. A Start and End Time field is included in the drop-down box that opens.

Advanced Time Options Section

Field Description
Treat Inactive Projects as Dormant Select whether or not you want to prevent employees from entering inactive projects on their timesheets. Normally, DPS allows you to use inactive projects for transactions. When you do this, you receive a warning to let you know that you are entering a dormant project, but you are allowed to continue with the entry. DPS does not allow you to use dormant projects for transactions.

When you select Yes for the Treat Inactive Projects as Dormant field, employees will be prevented from entering inactive projects on timesheets. This setting does not affect the use of inactive projects for any other types of transactions in DPS, such as Billing or Accounts Receivable transactions.

When you select No for the Treat Inactive Projects as Dormant field, employees are allowed to enter inactive projects on timesheets. Employees will receive a warning to let them know that they are entering a project with an inactive status, but they are allowed to continue with the entry.

If your enterprise uses the Resource Planning application, you can also use this setting to prevent users from auto-populating their timesheets with data from inactive plans. Only data from active plans is available for timesheet entry.

Check Hours Against Expected In this field, specify whether you want DPS to compare the total regular hours that an employee enters on a timesheet with the total regular hours that an employee is expected to work. Total overtime hours are not compared.

An employee's expected total regular hours for a timesheet are calculated as follows:

(Expected hours entered for an employee in the Hours/Day field on the Employment Details tab of the Employees hub) x (Number of days in a timesheet period less any non-working days entered on the Non-Work Days form in Time Settings)

You specify whether employees will receive a warning or error message when they submit timesheets and there are discrepancies between total timesheet hours entered and total expected work hours. A warning alerts employees to the discrepancy, but allows them to submit the timesheet without changing the timesheet hours. An error alerts employees to the discrepancy and prevents them from submitting the timesheet if the hours entered are greater than expected. Employees can, however, submit the timesheet if the hours entered are fewer than expected.

Select one of the following options in the Check Hours Against Expected field:

  • None: Regular hours submitted on a timesheet will not be checked against expected hours.
  • Warning if Over: A warning message displays if the regular hours submitted on a timesheet are greater than expected.
  • Warning if Under: A warning message displays if the regular hours submitted on a timesheet are fewer than expected.
  • Warning if Either Over or Under: A warning message displays if the regular hours submitted on a timesheet are greater or fewer than expected.
  • Error if Over: An error message displays if the regular hours submitted on a timesheet are greater than expected. Employees must correct the hours before they can submit the timesheet.
  • Error if Under: An error message displays if the regular hours submitted are fewer than expected.
  • Error if Either Over or Under: An error message displays if the regular hours submitted on a timesheet are either greater than or fewer than expected. Employees must correct a timesheet if the regular hours are greater than expected.

The Check Hours Against Expected setting applies to all employees. However, you can override this setting on an employee by employee basis as needed in the Check Hours Entered Against Expected field on the Time & Expense tab of the Employees hub.

Enable Unit Entry Select whether or not to allow employees to charge units when they enter timesheets.

When you allow employees to charge units:

  • You must also specify which employees are allowed to charge units. You do this by selecting Allow Employee to Charge Units in Timesheet for an employee on the Time & Expense tab of the Employees hub.
  • An Hours/Units toggle displays at the top of the Timesheets form to allow employees to switch the grid on the Timesheets form to allow units and/or hours entries.
  • The Post Units with Timesheets setting displays on this tab, which you must complete.
Autopopulate from Plan Assignments If you use the Resource Planning application, select this option if you want to automatically populate employees' timesheets with data from resource assignments in project plans. Each time that an employee opens a new or in-progress timesheet, a row is automatically added to the timesheet for each assignment for which the employee has planned hours in the timesheet period. The row is populated with the project, phase, task, and labor code from the resource assignment. If a row already exists for the project information in the assignment, a row is not added.

Timesheets are updated with project planning data if you have selected the following other settings:

  • Yes is selected for the Approved for Use Processing field for the project on the Accounting tab of the Project hub, and the project's status is set to Active or Inactive.
  • The employee has planned hours that fall within the timesheet period. For example, if an employee has planned hours on Project B from 8/1/2017–8/15/2017 and the timesheet periods are weekly, then timesheets will be populated with Project B data for 7/31/2017–8/6/2017, 8/7/2017– 8/13/2017, and 8/14/2017–8/20/2017.

Keep these points in mind:

  • If you select Treat Inactive Projects as Dormant on this tab, only data from active projects/plans are populated on timesheets.
  • If an employee who is charging time to a project is removed from that project, timesheet entries for that project are not automatically reversed on the timesheet.
  • Timesheets autopopulate with Resource Planning data only when an employee opens his/her own timesheet. Timesheets are not autopopulated when an administrator opens an employee's timesheet.
Post Units with Timesheets This setting displays when you select Yes for Enable Units Entry on this form.

Select whether or not you want unit transactions from timesheets posted at the same time when you post the timesheets.

When you select No and you post timesheets that have unit transactions, a batch entry file for the unit transactions is automatically created. You must post this in addition to the timesheets. You can review the batch entry file before you post it. The name that is assigned to the units batch entry file is in the following format: TKUN-<period in which the batch entry file was generated>-<postseq> (Example of a batch entry file name: TKUN-201703-956, where 201703 is the third accounting period in 2017 and 956 is the posting sequence number)

Display on Time Entry Section

Field Description
Labor Code This field displays only if you use labor codes.

Select one of the following options that determine whether or not employees must enter labor codes on their timesheets.

  • None: Select this option if you do not want employees to enter labor codes for entries on timesheets. The Labor Code field will not display on the Timesheet form. Instead, the default labor code that is entered for employees on the Time & Expense tab of the Employees hub is always used for timesheet entries. Warning: If you do not enter a default labor code for an employee in the Employees hub, the employee will not be able to make an entry to their timesheets.
  • Number: Select this option to include the Labor Code field on the Timesheet entry form. This field prefills with the name of the default labor code that is assigned to an employee on the Time & Expense tab in the Employee hub. Employees can select a different labor code in this field on a timesheet.
Labor Category This field displays only if you are using Accounting, Billing, or Resource Planning.

Select one of the following options to determine whether or not employees will enter labor categories on their timesheets.

  • None: Select this option if you do not want employees to enter labor categories on timesheets. Instead, an employee's default labor category (from the Time & Expense tab of Employees hub) will be applied to all labor charges that the employee enters on a timesheet. Employees cannot change the labor category.
  • Name: Select this option to include the Labor Category field on the Timesheet entry form. This field prefills with the name of the labor category that is assigned to an employee on the Accounting tab in the Employees hub. Employees can select a different labor category in this field on a timesheet.

Detailed Timesheet Report Options Section

These settings apply to the Detailed Timesheet report that is generated from the Timesheets form in My Stuff > Timesheet. The report includes all information that is entered on an employee's timesheet. Employees choose whether or not they want this report to print automatically when they submit a timesheet, and they can also print the report at any time by using and the Actions option on the Timesheets form.

Field Description
Include Client Name Select whether or not to display the client name for each project on the Detailed Timesheet reports.
Include Comments Select whether or not to display comments for each labor charge on the Detailed Timesheet reports. When you select Yes, the HTML Formatting field displays on this form.
HTML Formatting This field displays if you selected Yes for Include Comments. Select whether or not you want the comments that are entered on timesheets to be HTML formatted on the Detailed Timesheet reports.