Assignments Tab of the Equipment Form

Use this tab to track the employees who are assigned to an asset item and the location of the asset item.

For example, if your firm issues a laptop computer to an employee, you can assign the employee to the laptop asset item on this tab.

The Assignments tab:

  • Displays only if you have activated the Asset Management application.
  • Is enabled only if the equipment item is an asset item, which means that it was created from a purchasing item with a category type of Capital Items. The item category type displays in the Type field on the General tab of the Equipment form.

When you assign an employee to an asset item, information about the asset item displays on an Assets tab in the Employee hub for the employee.

When an employee returns an asset item to your firm and you clear the Assigned check box and enter the return date in the Recovered Date field on the Assignments tab, the asset item is removed from the Assets tab in the Employee hub for the employee.


Employee Assignments Grid

Use this grid to associate and assign one or more employees to an asset item.

If you delete an employee from the Employee hub who is currently assigned to an asset item, the row for the employee in the Employee Assignments grid is deleted.

Employee Assignments Grid Toolbar

Field Description
Employee Assignments Drop Down

Click the drop-down arrow on a grid header to complete any of the following actions:

  • To print grid data, click Print. On the Print Preview form, click File > Print to send the grid data to your default printer.
  • To export grid data to an Excel spreadsheet, click Export to Excel. When Microsoft Excel opens, use its features to modify, print, or email the grid data, or to save the spreadsheet file locally.
  • To turn on grouping for a grid, click Enable Grouping. When a field displays with the instruction: "Drag a column header here to group by that column," drag and drop column headers into the field, in the sequence that you want them to display.

Not all options are available on all grids.

Associate Click this option to open the Employee lookup and select one or more employees to associate and assign to the asset item. Each employee prefills in a separate row in the grid.
Remove To remove an employee from being associated with and assigned to an asset item, select an employee in the grid, and click this icon. The row for the employee is permanently removed from the grid, and you can no longer see the employee's past association with the asset item. Be sure that you no longer need to know that an employee was associated with an asset item before you remove it from the grid.

If you do not want to lose the ability to see a previous association between an employee and an equipment asset item, instead of removing the association, clear the Assigned check box in the Employee Assignments grid for an employee. This keeps the association so that you can see historical information, but the employee is no longer assigned to the equipment asset item. You then have the ability to assign the asset item to another employee and still show the name of the employee who was previously assigned to the asset item in the Employee Assignments grid.

Employee Assignments Grid Fields

Field Description
Assigned After you click the Associate option on the toolbar and select an employee to associate with the asset item, this check box prefills with a check mark.

When this check box is selected, the Recovered Date field is not enabled.

Name The name of the employee that you selected on the Employee lookup when you clicked Associate prefills in this field. This is the employee that you are associating with the asset item.

Click in this field to send the employee an instant message or email message.

Assigned Date This field prefills with the current date when you click the Associate toolbar option and select an employee to associate and assign to the asset item. You can change the date as needed. This is the date on which an employee is assigned to an asset item. A date is required if the Assigned check box is selected. The date appears on reports.
Recovered Date This field is enabled only when you clear the check box in the Assigned field for an employee.

Enter the date on which the employee is no longer assigned to the asset item. This is the date that the asset item was returned to the company by the employee or the asset item was moved to the possession of another employee.

Address Fields: Address 1, Address 2, and Address 3, City, State/Province, Zip/Postcode, and Country These address fields are enabled only if the Assigned check box in the grid is selected.

Enter address information for the employee and the location of the asset item.

Office Enter any applicable information about the office where the employee is and the asset item is located.
Floor Enter any applicable information about the office floor where the employee is and the asset item is located.