Status Tab of the Equipment Form

Use this tab to view or enter receiving information for an equipment item.

Some of the fields on this tab prefill from entries in the Purchasing application if an equipment item was generated automatically from a final printed purchase order, change order, or release order for a blanket purchase order. You cannot edit these prefilled fields.

For equipment items that you manually added directly in the Equipment hub, some of the fields are not enabled and do not apply.


Shipping Section

Field Description
PO Approval Date If an equipment item was generated automatically from a purchase, release, or change order, this field prefills with the date that the purchase, release, or change order was approved.
Item Due Date If an equipment item was generated automatically from a purchase, release, or change order, this field prefills with the item due date that was entered for the purchase, release, or change order.

If you entered an equipment item directly in the Equipment hub, enter the date that you expect to receive the equipment item.

Received By If an equipment item was generated automatically from a purchase order, this field prefills with the name of the employee who received the equipment as entered in Purchasing > Receiving.
Estimated Ship Date Enter the date that you expect the equipment item to be shipped to you.
Actual Ship Date Enter the actual date on which an equipment item was shipped to you.
Received Date If an equipment item was generated automatically from a purchase, release, or change order, this field prefills with the date that the equipment item was received as entered in Purchasing > Receiving.
Ship To If an equipment item was generated automatically from a purchase, release, or change order, this field prefills with the ship to code that was entered for the purchase, release, or change order.
Ship Via If an equipment item was generated automatically from a purchase, release, or change order, this field prefills with the ship via code that was entered for the purchase, release, or change order.
F.O.B If an equipment item was generated automatically from a purchase, release, or change order, this field prefills with the F.O.B. (free on board) code that was entered for the purchase, release, or change order.

Inspection Section

Field Description
Date Enter the date that you inspected the equipment item.
Inspection By Click , and on the Employee lookup select the employee who inspected the equipment item.
Location Enter the location where the equipment item is stored. Enter text in this field.
Comments Enter any helpful comments about the inspection and condition of the equipment item in this text box.