Enable Invoice Posting by Billing Phase
You can post a project’s billing phase fees to another sub-project, phase, or task, without manually adjusting the invoice.
To enable invoice posting by billing phase:
- Determine whether the project is in a billing group. If it is, go to step 2. If the project is not in a billing group, go to step 6.
- From the Navigation menu, click .
- On the Billing Groups form, open the billing group's main project.
- If the Separate terms option is selected, click the option to clear it and select the Consolidate printing option. The billing terms for the billing group’s main project apply to all sub-projects. DPS displays an error message if you attempt to select Consolidate printing before clearing the Separate terms option.
- From the Navigation menu, click .
- On the Billing Terms form, open the project with billing fees that you want to control.
On the Fees tab, select one of the following methods in the
Fee Method field:
- Percent Complete by Phase, as Percent of Fee
- Pct Complete by Phase, as Fixed Amount
Select the
Enable Posting by Billing
Phase option.
The Billing Phases grid includes a Project field, a Phase field, and a Task field or a Phase field and Task field only.
- If the project has phases, or phases and tasks, and is the main project in a billing group, the Project field contains a lookup list of the main project and sub-projects of the billing group. For each project with phases, the phase field contains a lookup list of its phases. For each project with phases and tasks, the Phase field contains a lookup list of its phases and the Task field contains a lookup list of its tasks.
- If the project has phases, or phases and tasks, and is not in a billing group, either a Phase field or both Phase and Task fields appear, containing a lookup list of the project’s phases and tasks.
- If a specific project in the billing group has no phases, the Phase and Task fields are disabled for editing. If a specific project in the billing group has phases but not tasks, the Task field is disabled for editing.
- Complete or update the billing phase fee information in the Billing Phases grid. For each phase, select the project, phase, or task where you are directing posting of the phase fee.