Upcoming Generic Assignments System Dashpart

Use the Upcoming Generic Assignments system dashpart to view a summary about upcoming generic assignments that need to be assigned to specific resources. A generic assignment is a labor category placeholder that represents a job role or function in a project (such as an architect, or engineer, or developer) to which you assign actual people.

You must have access to the Resource Planning application in order to use this dashpart.


The Upcoming Generic Assignments system dashpart provides a summary for project managers about upcoming generic assignments that need to be assigned to specific resources. Typically, you use generic assignments for summary-level plans or for plans intended to function as "what-if" scenarios. This table dashpart lists the resources currently available for a project.

Field Description
Range This section shows the planned hours that are estimated as necessary to complete work. The range is comprised of the project's start date (mmddyyyy) and a time period that you select from the drop-down list at the far right of the range. For example, you can view assignments that begin on 3/30/2017 and run through the next week.
Time Period Options Use this drop-down to select a specific time period for the range. Options in this drop-down list include: Next Week, Next 2 Weeks, Next Month, and so on.
Generic Resource/Level This column is composed of parent/child records showing the generic resource (parent) assigned to the project, and the actual employee or firm element (child) for which each resource has planned hours. If there are multiple generic resources assigned to one plan level, DPS displays the individual generic resources on subsequent rows.

To expand or collapse generic the resource row, click to show the named person or firm assigned to the resource. Click the generic resource text to display additional information, such as its labor category and status. On the named resource row, click the name of the employee or firm text to display additional information, such as contract start and end dates, project manager, client, and status. Click More... to open the records in Project View.

Assignment Start DPS displays the first date found for each assignment.
Assignment End DPS displays the last date found for each assignment.
Range Hours DPS displays the planned hours for each generic resource row. If there are multiple listings for the same generic resource, DPS maintains separate rows so that you can view each resource's actual planned hours and assign the appropriate employee.
ETC Hours The ETC (Estimate To Complete) Hours column shows the estimates of the total additional hours beyond that worked or spent to date, that will be required to complete the work.

Use the scrollbar to the right of the dashpart to page through and view long lists of assignments.