Security and the Screen Designer

When you use Screen Designer in the desktop application, you can apply security settings to screen elements, including input fields, grids, and column headings within grids.

You can determine, by security role, whether or not you want the element to be hidden and whether or not users can enter data in a field.

You can also determine whether a given field is required for CRM, Accounting, or both.

Field Type Description
Locked Fields You can determine, by security role, whether or not you want a field to be locked. Users can see locked fields but cannot take action in them. You can lock all screen elements, including input fields, grids, and column headings within grids.

To lock a field, select the field and click the Locked field. Select the role to which you want to apply the locked status. You can also select <All Roles>. When you select this option, any new roles that are added in the future are excluded as well.

Make sure that you do not lock required fields.

When you lock a field, select the input portion of the field, rather than the label for that field.

When you lock a grid, the commands for the grid (for example, Insert, Copy, Delete) are disabled. When you lock column headings within a grid, the commands are not disabled.

Hidden Fields You can determine, by Security role, whether or not you want a field to be hidden. Users cannot see hidden fields. You can hide all screen elements. To hide a field, select the field and click the Hidden field. Select the role to which you want to apply the hidden status.

Make sure that you do not hide required fields.

When you hide a field, remember to hide both the input portion of the field and the label for the field.

Required Fields for CRM and Accounting If your company has either CRM or Accounting installed, you can specify whether a selected field is required for CRM, for Accounting, or both. To make a field required for these applications, select the field(s). Then select the desired option (CRM, Accounting, Both) from the Required field in the Properties pane.
Required Fields If you do not have CRM or Accounting installed, the menu option in the Required field just has Yes as an option. Select this option if you want the field to be required.
Required Fields Select this option if you want the field required for the system.