Read (GET) Organization

Use this API to read a single organization from Configuration.

To get an organization:

Execute a GET command on the endpoint {{url}}/organization/{org}

For example, using cURL to submit the GET request, here is an example of how to get a single organization where the variable org is the identifier for the organization:

curl --request GET \
  --url 'https://{{url}}/organization/{org}' \
  --header 'authorization: Bearer {{oauth_token}}' \
  --header 'content-type: application/json'

The call returns one JSON structure like the following for the specified organization. The client defined values are two letters or digits that represent each organizational level up to 5 sublevels. Each level is separated by a colon or the user-defined delimiter that matches your system. In this example, "PR" could represent the company itself, "11" could represent the office or branch location, "CO" could represent a specific office location, and "22" could represent a more specific level of the organization such as a functional department.

        "Org": "PR:11:CO:22",
        "Name": "Corporate"