Payments Tab of the Bank Statement Reconciliation Form

The Payments tab lists all of the payments written against this bank code that are not designated as cleared for another statement date.

If you display reconciliation information for a prior statement, any payment listed on the Payments tab that has been cleared on a more recent statement is displayed as uncleared, and the date of the future statement on which it was cleared displays in the Statement Date field.

Electronic Payments

How electronic payments display on this tab depends on how the bank code is configured on the Bank Reconciliation tab of Settings > Accounting > Banks:
  • If Summarize Electronic Payment Runs in Bank Reconciliation is selected, the electronic payments included in a transmitted file display on the Payments tab as a single summarized payment, and you mark all of them as cleared by selecting Cleared on the summarized payment row. If you void one or more individual payments that are included in a summarized EFT payment, the void appears as a separate line in the grid.

    Click View Detail on the grid toolbar to display the individual payments that were voided.

  • If Summarize Electronic Payment Runs in Bank Reconciliation is not selected, the electronic payments included in a transmitted file display individually on the Payments tab, and you mark them as cleared individually.


Field Description
Display Drop-down Click the drop-down arrow to filter the payment records.
Grid Drop-down

Click the drop-down arrow on a grid header to complete any of the following actions:

  • To print grid data, click Print. On the Print Preview form, click File > Print to send the grid data to your default printer.
  • To export grid data to an Excel spreadsheet, click Export to Excel. When Microsoft Excel opens, use its features to modify, print, or email the grid data, or to save the spreadsheet file locally.
  • To turn on grouping for a grid, click Enable Grouping. When a field displays with the instruction: "Drag a column header here to group by that column," drag and drop column headers into the field, in the sequence that you want them to display.

Not all options are available on all grids.

Match Detail Use this option to show imported bank records that match records that have been posted.
View Detail To display payment detail on the Check Detail dialog box, select the payment in the grid and then click this option.

If the bank code is set up to summarize all electronic payments in a transmitted file as a single row on the Payments tab and you select one of those rows, the Check Detail dialog box displays the individual payments that were included in the transmitted file.

Process Cleared Items This option only displays when the In-Process Account feature is enabled on the Bank Codes tab in Settings > Accounting > Banks.

Click Process Cleared Items to display the Post Cleared Items dialog box, which displays all the payments that have cleared but have not yet posted to the general ledger. Because posting is period-specific, cleared items must be processed in the same period in which the items cleared the bank and from the correct bank statement.

The posting process clears out the in-process account (typically a debit) and charges the bank’s G/L account (typically a credit).

Clear Use this option to clear multiple transactions.
Unclear Use this option to unclear multiple transactions.
Clear All Use this option to clear all listed transactions.
Unclear All Use this option to unclear all listed transactions.
Number This field displays the reference number entered for the payment transaction during transaction entry or processing.

If the bank code is set up to summarize all electronic payments in a transmitted file as a single row on the Payments tab, this field contains zeros for those rows.

Date This field displays the date of the payment as entered during transaction entry or processing.
Amount This field displays the amount of the payment as entered during transaction entry or processing.

For a voided individual payment that is associated with the currently selected statement, this field is blank. For a voided payment that is not yet associated with a statement or is associated with a more recent statement, this field displays the original payment amount.

For a voided payment that includes one or more individual payments from a summarized electronic payment and is associated with the currently selected statement, this field displays a negative amount to offset the sum of the original individual payment amounts. For such a voided payment that is not yet associated with a statement or is associated with a more recent statement, this field is blank.

Cleared Select this check box to indicate that the payment was listed as a cleared transaction on the bank statement.

For a voided payment that is associated with the currently selected statement, this check box is selected and cannot be cleared. For a voided payment that is not yet associated with a statement or is associated with a more recent statement, this check box is not selected and cannot be selected.

Payee This field displays the person or organization to whom the payment was made.

If the bank code is set up to summarize all electronic payments in a transmitted file as a single row on the Payments tab, this field contains a description of the electronic payment (for example, Electronic Funds Transfer) for those rows, rather than an individual payee name.

Type This field displays the transaction type for this payment. Payments have one of the following transaction types:
  • CD: Cash Disbursement
  • CV: AP Disbursement
  • EP: Employee Advance and Expense Processing
  • PP: AP Payment Processing
  • PY: Payroll Processing
Voided A check mark in this box indicates that the transaction has been voided.
Void Date If the payment has been voided, this column displays the date that it was voided.
Statement Date This field displays the date of the statement on which the transaction was listed as cleared. Voided payments are the only payments for which you can change this date.

For a voided payment, this field displays the date of the statement with which the void is associated. For a voided payment that is not yet associated with a statement date, this field displays New. If necessary, you can select New or a different open statement date for a voided payment.