Billing Expense by Vendor Tables

Set up a billing expense by vendor table if you want billing invoices for a project or class of projects to calculate vendor expenses on a billing invoice based on a multiplier (markup) for the specific vendor rather than on the overall multiplier specified for all expenses in a project’s billing terms.

In an expense by vendor table, you add vendors and a multiplier for each vendor.

For a project to use an expense by vendor table when generating invoices in the Billing application, the project’s billing terms must have By vendor selected in the Method field in the Expense section of the Rates tab and an expense by vendor table specified in the Rate Table field. If a vendor is added to the specified expense by vendor table, the multiplier entered for it in the table will override the multiplier entered in the Multiplier field in the Expense section of the Rate tab in billing terms, which is used for all expenses.

Some companies prefer that a vendor's name appear on an invoice instead of the general ledger account name. If you bill expenses by vendor, the vendor name displays on the invoice.