Purchase Order Cost Distribution Detail Columns Tab

Use the Columns tab to select or clear columns, change column sequence, provide new column labels, set column widths, or select number and date formats.


Field Description
Project If the cost of the item is distributed to projects, phases, or tasks, this column displays the project number.
Phase If the cost of the item is distributed at the phase or task level, this column displays the phase number.
Task If the cost of the item is distributed at the task level, this column displays the task number.
PO Number

This column displays the purchase order number, which is generated automatically when you create a new purchase order.

Item Number This column displays the number for the item or service.
Description This column displays the description of the item or service.
Unit Price This column displays the price per unit for the item or service.
Qty Ordered This column displays the quantity of the item or service that was ordered.
Total Amount This column displays the cost of the originally ordered quantity of the item or service.

This column displays the percentage of the overall cost of the item or service that is distributed to the project, phase or task.

Multiple projects, phases, or tasks can share the cost of an ordered item or service. For example, you could distribute 80 percent of the cost to a project and the other 20 percent to a phase in a second project.

Unit This column displays the unit identifier.
Project Amount This column displays the monetary amount that is distributed to the corresponding project.
Account This column displays the expense account to be charged for the item or service.

This column displays the type of purchase order:

  • Standard: Standard purchase order
  • Service: Purchase order for services
  • Blanket: Blanket purchase order
Release Number For a purchase order that represents a release for a blanket purchase order, this column displays the release number.
CO Number If a change order exists for the purchase order, this column displays the change order number.
Seq This column displays the sequence numbers assigned to purchase order items when you enter them in the Purchase Orders form.
Closed This Yes/No column indicates whether or not the order for the item or service is closed.
Status This column displays the status of the open purchase order, such as Approved, In Progress, or Released.
Receive Status This column displays the status of the item or service (for example, Received, Partially Received, Rejected, or Backordered).
Order Date This column displays the date on which the purchase order was created.
Due Date This column displays the date on which the item or service is due to be delivered.
Vendor This column displays the vendor for the item or service.
Ship To This column displays the ship-to destination to which you want the items shipped.
UOM This column displays the unit of measure for the item or service (for example, Each, Box, Case, Dozen, or Hour).
Currency Code This column displays the three-character code for the currency for the purchase order amounts.