Read (GET) Employee Expenses
Use this API to read employee expenses from the Transactions Center.
To get employee expenses transaction data:
Execute a GET command on the endpoint
For example, here is a request submitted using cURL:
curl --request GET \ --url 'https://{{url}}/ledger/EX' \ --header 'authorization: Bearer {{oauth_token}}' \ --header 'content-type: application/json' \
A successful GET returns the JSON representation of the employee expense transaction data, for example:
{ "Period": 201601, "PostSeq": 57, "PKey": "566393116936", "WBS1": "CAR00000000000000020", "WBS2": " ", "WBS3": " ", "Account": "525.00", "Org": "00", "TransType": "EX", "SubType": "", "RefNo": "0000001", "TransDate": "2016-12-20T00:00:00.000", "Desc1": "Enrile, Jon", "Desc2": "Employee Expense description", "Amount": 1000.56, "CBAmount": 0, "BillExt": 0, "ProjectCost": "Y", "AutoEntry": "N", "SuppressBill": "N", "BillStatus": "X", "SkipGL": "N", "BankCode": "", "Invoice": "", "InvoiceSection": "", "Employee": "JON ENRILE", "Vendor": "", "Line": 3, "PartialPayment": 0, "Discount": 0, "Voucher": "0000001", "BilledWBS1": "CAR00000000000000020", "BilledWBS2": " ", "BilledWBS3": " ", "BilledInvoice": "0000002", "BilledPeriod": 201601, "Unit": "", "UnitTable": "", "UnitQuantity": 0, "UnitCostRate": 0, "UnitBillingRate": 0, "UnitBillExt": 0, "XferWBS1": "CAR00000000000000024", "XferWBS2": " ", "XferWBS3": " ", "XferAccount": "525.00", "TaxCode": "", "TaxBasis": 0, "TaxCBBasis": 0, "BillTaxCodeOverride": "", "WrittenOffPeriod": 201601, "TransactionAmount": 1000.56, "TransactionCurrencyCode": " ", "ExchangeInfo": "", "AmountProjectCurrency": 1000.56, "ProjectExchangeInfo": "", "AmountBillingCurrency": 1000.56, "BillingExchangeInfo": "", "AutoEntryAmount": 0, "AutoEntryExchangeInfo": "", "AutoEntryOrg": "", "AutoEntryAccount": "", "AmountSourceCurrency": 1000.56, "SourceExchangeInfo": "", "PONumber": "", "UnitCostRateBillingCurrency": 0, "LinkCompany": "", "LinkWBS1": "", "LinkWBS2": "", "LinkWBS3": "", "BillTax2CodeOverride": "", "GainsAndLossesType": "", "AmountTaxCurrency": 0, "CBAmountTaxCurrency": 0, "TaxBasisTaxCurrency": 0, "TaxCBBasisTaxCurrency": 0, "TaxBasisFunctionalCurrency": 0, "TaxCBBasisFunctionalCurrency": 0, "DiscountFunctionalCurrency": 0, "ModUser": "", "AuthorizedBy": "", "RealizationAmountEmployeeCurrency": 0, "RealizationAmountProjectCurrency": 0, "RealizationAmountBillingCurrency": 0, "NonBill": "", "CreditMemoRefNo": "", "OriginalAmountSourceCurrency": 0, "OriginalPaymentCurrencyCode": "", "InProcessAccount": "N", "InProcessAccountCleared": "N", "EKOriginalLine": 1, "InvoiceStatus": "", "OriginatingVendor": "", "Diary": "", "DiaryNo": 0, "CreditCardPrimaryCode": "", "CreditCardCode": "", "CreditCardPKey": "", "TransferredPeriod": 0, "TransferredBillStatus": "", "PreInvoice": "", "EquipmentID": "", "BookCode": "", "EmOrg": "", "LastPSAExportDate": "" },