Intra EU Community XML and Belgium Client Listing XML Backup Report

As part of generating an XML file for Intra EU Community and Belgium Client Listing reporting, you can generate a detailed backup report that shows the invoice transactions used, sorted by sequence number, then invoice number. Use the report to verify that the correct transactions were used for each grid number.

The report is generated in preview mode, letting you print, email, or download the report.

It includes a total line for each sequence number.


Field Description
Address Code This column displays the address code for the client associated with the transaction.
Tax Registration Number This column displays the tax registration number associated with the client and address code. This number is assigned to a client by a country for the purpose of tax reporting.
Issued By This column displays the two-letter code of the tax country for the client and address code.
Turnover This column displays the amount of sales, net of taxes (the total invoice amount, not including taxes).
Tax Amount This column displays the amount of tax on the transaction.
Invoice Number This column displays the invoice number of the transaction.
Diary Code This column displays if the company is configured as one that uses Diaries on the Diary AutoNumbering tab in Settings > Advanced Accounting > System. This column displays the Diary Code associated with the transaction.
Diary Number This column displays if the company is configured as one that uses Diaries on the Diary AutoNumbering tab in Settings > Advanced Accounting > System. This column displays the Diary Number associated with the transaction.
Tax Point Date This column displays the date that the transaction took place for tax purposes.
Project/Phase/Task This column displays the WBS element associated with the transaction.