Reassigning Activity Roles to Attendees

Use the quick edit function on the Attendees and Firms fields to remove a Primary or Owner designation for existing attendees and to reassign these roles to different attendees. The Primary contact is related to an external firm. The Owner is always an employee of your company.

When you add contacts and employees to the activity, DPS automatically designates the first employee as the Owner and the first contact as the Primary. All other contacts and employees that you add to the activity are attendees.

From time to time, you may need to change which contact and employee plays the Primary or Owner roles due to either personnel or project scope changes, or the need to assign people who have the technical expertise or business acumen that is better suited to take leading roles in business decisions and project activities. When you reassign activity roles to other attendees, keep in mind the following rules:

For contacts:
  • Only one Primary can be designated for an activity, which can be a contact (whether qualified or not) or a firm.
  • The primary firm of an activity is the contact’s firm. If you select a primary contact without selecting the primary firm, DPS automatically populates the firm field for you.
For firms:
  • Only one firm can be the primary firm.

  • When you select the primary firm, the primary contact must be associated with that firm in the Contacts hub.