Toolbar of the Consolidated GL Budgeting Form

Use the toolbar options to add a budget, adjust or compound an annual budget, or print a file of budget data.


Field Description
New Click this icon to add a new budget. The menu provides these options:
  • New Budget: Create a new budget.
  • Copy Current Budget: Copy the currently displayed budget to create a new budget.
  • Select Budget to Copy: Select a budget and copy that budget information to create a new budget.
Delete To delete a budget, display it on the Consolidated G/L Budgeting form and then click this option.
Tools To compound the budget, adjust the budget, or add accounts to the budget, click Tools. The menu provides these options:
  • Compound Annual Budget: Click this option to open the Compounding the Annual Budget dialog box and compound the budget for each period. You can compound the period amounts by a percentage or a fixed dollar amount.
  • Adjust Budget: Click this option to open the Adjusting the Annual Budget dialog box. You can adjust your annual general ledger budget by increasing or decreasing the budget for each period. You can adjust the period amounts by a percentage or a fixed monetary amount.
  • Import Accounts: Click this option to import accounts from the Balance Sheet, the Income Statement, or another budget.
  • Copy Amounts: Click this option to open the Copy Budget Amounts dialog box. You can copy annual and period budget amounts from the Income Statement, Balance Sheet, or another type of budget to the current budget.
Print If you want to print or download the budget to a file, click this option to display the Preview window.