Contents of the New Project Form

Use the fields and options on the form to create a new project.


Field Description
Create Project In the drop-down list, select the method you want to use to create the project: Manually, From Project, From Opportunity, From Project Template, or From Opportunity and Project Template . When creating a project manually, you enter all the information yourself. For all other project creation methods, you reuse information from an existing project, opportunity, or template.

You can create a project from a template only if you have activated the Accounting or CRM modules.

Project Number Enter a unique identification number for the project. DPS can automatically generate a number for you if you have enabled auto numbering on the Numbering tab of Settings > General System.
Select a Project Enter the name or number of the project you want to copy. As you type, DPS displays all matching projects you have security rights to see.
Find an Opportunity Enter the name of the opportunity you want to copy. As you type, DPS displays all matching opportunities you have security rights to see.
Find a Project Template Enter the name of the template you want to copy. As you type, DPS displays all matching templates you have security rights to see.
Copy Plan If the project you are using as the basis for the new project has a plan, select this check box to copy the plan. When you select the check box, DPS displays a calendar control so you can select a start date for the plan. If your role's security settings do not allow you to add plans, the Copy Plan checkbox the and calendar do not appear.
  • If the project has only one level, DPS copies the entire plan.
  • If the project has more than one level, DPS copies only the plan levels for the levels that are kept and saved in the Edit Project Structure grid.
  • DPS copies plan settings.
  • If you change the Plan Start Date in the dialog, DPS shifts the plan and all assignments.

If you do not copy the plan, DPS creates an empty plan for your new project using default settings, so you are able to enter planned labor hours, planned expense amounts, and consultant amounts.

Copy Plan Structure and Move Assignments If the opportunity you are using as the basis for the new project has a plan, select this check box to copy the plan structure and move any existing assignments. When you select the check box, DPS displays a calendar control so you can select a start date for the plan. If your role's security settings do not allow you to add plans, the Copy Plan Structure and Move Assignments checkbox and the calendar do not appear.
Billing Terms If the project you are using as the basis for the new project has billing terms, select this check box to copy the billing terms.
Name Enter a unique short name for the project.
Long Name Enter the name you want to use in Proposals. By default, DPS automatically populates this field with the Name. If you replace Name with a different name, DPS stops updating this field when you change the name.
Charge Type Optionally, select Regular, Overhead, or Promotional from the Charge Type drop-down list
Continue Click Continue to add the project. In the How To section of the help, refer to the topic for the project creation method you are using to learn more about the work flow after you click Continue.