Employee List Columns Tab

Use the Columns tab to select or clear columns, change column sequence, provide new column labels, set column widths, or select number and date formats.

Grid Type Columns

Most available columns show data from the Employees hub. In addition, you can use this tab to include columns that contain associated data. These are called "grid columns."

The list of columns in this topic includes all available grid columns. However, the grid columns that actually display on the Columns tab vary based on your selection in Grid Type on the General tab. The grid column labels begin with the grid type. For example, each of the contact grid column labels begins with Contacts - Name (Contacts - Title, and so on).


Field Description
Employee Number This column displays the employee identification number.
Full Name This column displays the employee's last name, first name, and middle initial.
Labor Type This column displays the labor type (for example, Principal, Manager, or Employee).
Job Cost Rate This column displays the rate at which DPS applies the employee's hours as costs to projects.
Job Cost Type This column displays the employee's job cost type: Hourly or Salary.
Job Cost Ovt Pct This column displays the percentage of the employee's hourly wage that is applied as costs to projects when the employee works standard overtime hours.
Target Ratio This column displays the percentage of the employee's time that you expect to be charged to regular projects (projects that produce revenue).
Utilization Ratio The utilization ratio is the maximum percentage of the employee's time for which he or she should be assigned as a named resource on projects.

This column is only available if the Planning application is activated.

Status This column displays the employee's status: Active, Inactive, or Terminated.
Hire Date This column displays the date on which the employee was hired.
Raise Date This column displays the date of the employee's last pay increase.
First Name This column displays the employee's first name.
Last Name This column displays the employee's last name.
Middle Name This column displays the employee's middle name.
Prefix This column displays the prefix or salutation used with the employee's name (for example, Mr., Mrs., or Ms.).
Suffix This column displays the suffix used with the employee's name (for example, Jr., Sr., or Esq.)
Professional Suffix This column displays the professional suffix used with the employee's name. That suffix indicates educational degrees or professional licenses or accreditation. It can be a single item (for example, PhD) or a combination of two or more (for example, CPA, CMA, MBA).
Preferred Name This column displays the name by which the employee prefers to be addressed.
Title This column displays the employee's job title or job function.
Organization Name

If your enterprise uses organizations, this column displays the organization to which the employee is assigned. If your firm does not use organizations, this column is not available.

If you use multiple companies, the organization in this column represents the employee's home company. The home company is the company that manages the employee's timesheet and expense report processes and that pays the employee.

Supervisor This column displays the name of the employee's supervisor.
EMail This column displays the employee's email address.
Work Phone This column displays the employee's work telephone number.
Work Phone Ext This column displays the extension for the employee's work telephone.
Mobile Phone This column displays the employee's cellular phone number.
FAX This column displays the number for the employee's home fax machine.
Years with Other Firms This column displays the number of years the employee worked for other firms.
Prior Years with this Firm The number of years the employee has worked for your firm (if the employee has left your firm and returned).
Is Firm This Yes/No column indicates whether or not the employee is a firm.
Firm Number If the employee is a firm, this column displays the firm number assigned to the employee.
Firm Number If the employee is a firm, this column displays the firm number assigned to the employee.
Firm Name If the employee is a firm, this column displays the firm name.
Concatenated Address This column displays the employee's street address, city, state, and zip code. The report shows this information in a single column.
Address 1-3 These columns display the employee's street address.
City This column displays the city from the employee's address.
State This column displays the two-character abbreviation for the state from the employee's address.
ZIP This column displays the zip code from the employee's address.
Country This column displays the country from the employee's address.
Home Phone This column displays the employee's home telephone number.
Hours Per Day This column displays the number of hours per day the employee is generally expected to work.
Social Security # This column displays the employee's Social Security number.
Termination Date If the employee is terminated, this column displays the date on which the employee last worked for your firm.
Job Cost Ovt-2 Pct This column displays the percentage of the employee's hourly wage that is applied as costs to projects when the employee works special overtime hours. This column is available only if you enable secondary overtime on the General tab of Accounting System Settings.
Pay Rate For salaried employees, this column displays the employee's actual pay amount for each payroll period. For hourly employees, it displays their hourly pay rate.
Pay Ovt Pct This column displays the percentage applied to the employee's payroll rate to calculate standard overtime wages.
Pay Ovt-2 Pct This column displays the percentage to apply to the employee's payroll rate to calculate special overtime wages. This column is available only if you enable secondary overtime on the General tab of Accounting System Settings.
Pay Type This column displays the employee's pay type: Hourly or Salary.
Labor Category This column displays the employee's labor category (for example, Principal, Project Manager, or Architect).
Use Total Hrs as Std This Yes/No column indicates how DPS calculates and displays standard hours or amounts for employee on the Time Analysis report:
  • Y (Yes) indicates that DPS uses the total hours worked to determine the standard current, month-to-date (MTD), and year-to-date (YTD) hours or amounts.
  • N (No) indicates that DPS calculates the standard hours or amounts using a formula specified in the employee record.
Provisional Cost Rate This column displays the cost rate used to calculate labor charges at cost for unposted timesheet entries for the employee. This column is only available if your security role has access to employee cost rates.
Provisional Cost Ovt Pct This column displays the percentage used to calculate labor charges at cost rates for unposted overtime hours for the employee. This column is only available if your security role has access to employee cost rates.
Provisional Cost Ovt-2 Pct This column displays the percentage used to calculate labor charges at cost rates for unposted special overtime hours for the employee.

This column is only available if you enable secondary overtime on the General tab of Accounting System Settings, and if your security role has access to employee cost rates.

Provisional Bill Rate This column displays the billing rate used to calculate labor charges at billing for unposted timesheet entries for the employee.
Provisional Bill Ovt Pct This column displays the percentage used to calculate labor charges at billing rates for unposted overtime hours for the employee.
Provisional Bill Ovt-2 Pct This column displays the percentage used to calculate labor charges at billing rates for unposted special overtime hours for the employee. This column is only available if you enable secondary overtime on the General Tab of Accounting System Settings.
ADP File Number If you use the ADP Export Utility, this column displays the employee's ADP number.
ADP Company Code If you use the ADP Export Utility, this column displays the ADP location for the employee.
ADP Rate Code If you use the ADP Export Utility, this column displays the employee's ADP labor code. The ADP labor code indicates a pay rate that differs from the employee's regular salary or wage.
Primary Skill This column displays the employee's primary skill.
Skill Level This column displays the employee's skill level (for example, Good, Proficient, or Expert).
Timesheet Group This column displays the timesheet group for which this employee has access to timesheets.
Timesheet Admin Level This column displays the timesheet administrative level for the employee. The following are the available levels:
  • Staff: The employee has access to timesheets for all employees at the staff level.
  • Group: The employee has access to timesheets for all employees within a specific group.
  • System: The employee has access to timesheets for all groups and employees.

At least one employee in your firm must have system-level access.

Timesheet Admin Edit This Yes/No column indicates whether or not the employee can edit timesheets to which he or she has access.
Timesheet Admin Approval

This Yes/No column indicates whether or not the employee can approve timesheets to which he or she has access before they are posted.

If you use multiple companies, this column is only available if at least one company in your enterprise requires timesheet approvals.

Locale Method

If you are using Payroll, this column displays the locale method specified on the Payroll tab of the Employees hub:

  • Follow Project Locale: DPS uses the locale associated with the project rather than locales specified for the employee. DPS calculates and tracks withholding for the employee based on the state or tax locale in Payroll Tax Locale on the Accounting tab of the Projects hub. If the project has no project locale, DPS uses Default Project Tax Locale on the Payroll tab in the Employees hub record. If the project has a value in Payroll Tax Locale but the employee does not have a withholding code set up for that locale, DPS uses Default Project Tax Locale in the Employees hub record.
  • % of Wages: DPS distributes withholding across multiple state or tax locales established for the employee. You specify the percent of total taxable wages to which you want to apply each withholding in the State/Local Tax Jurisdiction grid on the Payroll tab in the Employees hub.
  • None: You do not track taxable wages and withholding by project locale or by percent of wages for the employee.
Only Include Local Jurisdictions This Yes/No column indicates whether or not Only Include Local Jurisdictions is selected on the Payroll tab in the Employees hub.
Default Project Tax Locale If Locale Method is set to Follow Project Locale, this column displays the default project locale specified for the employee on the Payroll tab of the Employees hub.
Cost Rate Method If you are using Payroll and you enable cost rate tables on the General tab of the Accounting System Settings form (Settings > Advanced Accounting > System), this column displays one of the following cost rate methods:
  • From Employee Cost Rate
  • From Labor Rate Table
  • From Category Rate Table
  • From Labor Code Table
  • None
Cost Rate Table If you are using Payroll and you enable cost rate tables on the General tab of the Accounting System Settings form, this column displays one of the following cost rate tables:
  • Labor Rate Table
  • Category Rate Table
  • Labor Code Table

This column is blank if Cost Rate Method contains From Employee Cost Rate.

Pay Rate Method If you are using Payroll and you enable payrate tables for overriding pay rates from the Employees hub in Payroll Settings, this column displays one of the following pay rate methods:
  • From Employee Pay Rate
  • From Labor Rate Table
  • From Category Rate Table
  • From Labor Code Table
  • None
Pay Rate Table If you are using Payroll and you enable payrate tables for overriding pay rates from the Employees hub in Payroll Settings, this column displays one of the following pay rate tables:
  • Labor Rate Table
  • Category Rate Table
  • Labor Code Table

This column is blank if Pay Rate Method contains From Employee Pay Rate.

Check Hours This Yes/No column indicates whether or not DPS automatically checks the hours entered on the employee's timesheet and compares them to the expected hours per day.
Department This column displays the department to which the employee is assigned (for example, A-Architectural, C-Civil, or L-Landscape Design).
Staff This column displays the employee's default staff code (second labor code level).
Phase This column displays the employee's default phase code (third labor code level).
Service This column displays the employee's default service code (fourth labor code level).
Allow Change Labor Code This Yes/No column indicates whether or not the employee can charge time to a labor code other than the default labor code.
Expense Report Group This column displays the expense report group for which this employee has access to expense reports.
Expense Report Admin Level

This column displays the expense report administrative level for the employee.

Level What the Employee Can Do
Staff The employee has access to expense reports, but he or she cannot modify system-level settings, group-level settings, or options in Expense Report Settings.
Group The employee has access to expense report settings that are related to his or her group. The employee can:
  • View expense report administrator settings.
  • Review and change the status of expense reports for employees in his or her group.
  • Change the passwords of employees in his or her group.
System The employee has access to all options in Expense Report Settings. The employee can do the following:
  • Define expense report categories.
  • Establish employee expense report groups.
  • Set employee access to expense reports.
  • Enable passwords for expense reports.
  • Set expense report options.
  • Monitor and change the status of expense reports.

At least one employee in your enterprise must have system-level access.

Expense Report Admin Edit This Yes/No column indicates whether or not the employee can edit expense report to which he or she has access.
Expense Report Admin Approval

This Yes/No column indicates whether or not the employee can approve expense reports to which he or she has access before they are posted.

If you use multiple companies, at least one company in your enterprise must be set up to use Expense Approvals in Expense Settings.

Create User This column displays the user ID of the person who created the record in the Employees hub.
Create Date This column displays the date on which the employee record was created.
Modify User This column displays the user ID of the person who most recently modified the employee record.
Modify Date This column displays the date on which the employee record was most recently modified.
Allow Employee to Charge Units in Timesheet This Yes/No column indicates whether or not the employee is allowed to charge units on his or her timesheets.
Memo This column displays the text entered in Notes on the General tab of the Employees hub. This column is blank if you do not have the security access that is required to view employee notes.
Activities - Completed The activity can be Pending or Completed.
Activities -Type This column displays the activity type (for example, Phone Call, Meeting, or Email).
Activities - Subject This column displays a brief description of the activity (for example, Initial Consultation, Planning Meeting, Customer Lunch, or Follow-up Visit).
Activities - Start Date This column displays the date and time that the activity is scheduled to begin.
Activities - Priority This column displays the priority ranking that indicates the relative importance of individual activities: High, Medium, or Low.
Activities - Activity Owner This column displays the name of the employee who is responsible for the activity.
Activities - Firm Contact This column displays the name of the firm contact associated with the activity.
Activities - Firm Contact Bus. Phone This column displays the firm contact's work telephone number.
Activities - Firm This column displays the name of the firm associated with the activity.
Activities - Contact This column displays the name of the contact associated with the activity.
Activities - Contact Bus. Phone This column displays the business telephone number of the contact associated with the activity.
Activities - Opportunity This column displays the name of the opportunity associated with the activity.
Activities - Project This column displays the name of the project associated with the activity.
Activities - Marketing Campaign This column displays the marketing campaign associated with the activity.
Activities - Lead This column displays the lead associated with the activity.
Activities - Location This column displays the location where the activity occurred or will occur.
Activities - Notes This column displays additional text that describes the activity.
Absence Accruals - Absence Accrual Code This column displays when the Grid Type on the General tab is set to Absence Accruals. This column displays the accrual code for the benefit accrual (for example, the code for vacation time or sick leave).
Absence Accruals - Method This column displays when the Grid Type on the General tab is set to Absence Accruals. This column displays the defined method for the benefit accrual.
Absence Accruals - Accrual Schedule This column displays when the Grid Type on the General tab is set to Absence Accruals. This column displays the actual accrual schedule for the benefits.
Absence Accruals - Hours Earned Per Year This column displays when the Grid Type on the General tab is set to Absence Accruals. This column displays the number of hours the employee accrues for the benefit year.
Absence Accruals - Hours Earned Per Hour Worked This column displays when the Grid Type on the General tab is set to Absence Accruals. This column displays the number of hours the employee earns for each hour worked during the accrual process.
Absence Accruals - Max Hours Earned Per Accrual Process This column displays when the Grid Type on the General tab is set to Absence Accruals. This column displays the maximum number of hours that the employee can earn per the accrual process.
Absence Accruals - Change Date This column displays when the Grid Type on the General tab is set to Absence Accruals. This column displays the date on which number of hours the employee accrues each year is due to change.

For example, if the employee will earn additional vacation time after being employed for one year, this is the date the employee begins accruing the additional time off.

You set accrual change dates in the Absence Accruals grid on the Accounting tab in the Employees hub.

Absence Accruals - Has Carry Over Limit This column displays when the Grid Type on the General tab is set to Absence Accruals. This column indicates how DPS determines the maximum number of benefit hours that the employee can carry over from one benefit accrual year to the next:
  • System: DPS uses the carryover limit specified for the benefit accrual on the Absence Accrual Setup tab of the Time Analysis and Absence Accrual form (Settings > Advanced Accounting > Time Analysis Setup).
  • Yes: DPS uses the carryover limit specified for the benefit accrual in Limit Carryover in the Absence Accruals grid on the Accounting tab in the Employees hub.
  • No: The employee can carry over all unused hours from one benefit accrual year to the next.
Absence Accruals - Carry Over Limit This column displays when the Grid Type on the General tab is set to Absence Accruals. This column displays the maximum number of benefit hours the employee can carry over from one benefit accrual year to the next.
Absence Accruals - Has Maximum This column displays when the Grid Type on the General tab is set to Absence Accruals. This column indicates how DPS determines the maximum number of unused benefit hours the employee can accumulate:
  • System: DPS uses the maximum hours specified for the benefit accrual on the Absence Accrual Setup tab of the Time Analysis and Absence Accrual form (Settings > Advanced Accounting > Time Analysis).
  • Yes: DPS uses the maximum hours specified for the benefit accrual in Has Maximum in the Absence Accruals grid of the Accounting tab in the Employees hub.
  • No: DPS enforces no limit on the number of unused benefit hours that the employee can accumulate
Absence Accruals - Maximum This column displays when the Grid Type on the General tab is set to Absence Accruals. This column displays the maximum number of unused benefit hours that the employee can accumulate.
Firms - Name This column displays the name of the firm with which the employee is associated.
Firms - Relationship This column displays a description of the relationship of the employee to the firm.
Firms - Description This column displays additional text describing the employee's relationship to the firm.
Firms - Type This column displays the type of firm (for example, Commercial, Government, or Non-Profit).
Firms - Status This column displays the current status of your relationship with the firm: Active, Dormant, or Inactive.
Contacts - Name This column displays name of the contact with whom the employee is associated.
Contacts - Title This column displays the contact's title (for example, Director, Project Manager, or CEO).
Contacts - Firm Number If the contact is linked to a firm, this column displays the firm number.
Contacts - Firm Name If the contact is linked to a firm, this column displays the firm name.
Contacts - Phone This column displays the contact's business telephone number.
Contacts - Relationship This column displays a description of the employee's relationship to the contact.
Contacts - Description This column displays additional text describing the employee's relationship to the contact.
Contacts - Address1 This column displays the contact's street address.
Contacts - City This column displays the city from the contact's address.
Contacts - State This column displays the state from the contact's address.
Contacts - ZIP This column displays the ZIP code from the contact's address.
Direct Deposit - Seq This column displays the sequence number for direct deposit. The sequence number determines the order in which direct deposits are made for the employee if multiple bank accounts are to receive deposits.
Direct Deposit - Bank ID This column displays the bank routing number of the bank to which the direct deposits are made.
Direct Deposit - Account Number This column displays the bank account number to which the direct deposits are made.
Direct Deposit - Account Type This column displays the bank account type: Checking or Savings.
Direct Deposit - Direct Deposit Status This column displays the direct deposit status:
  • Add: You will initiate the pre-notification step for the direct deposit account with the next payroll or expense repayments processing run.
  • Wait: You are waiting for bank verification of the employee's account. After you process payroll or employee expense repayments for the employee, the direct deposit accounts with the Add status are assigned the Wait status. Change the status to Active when you receive verification of the employee's account information.
  • Active: The employee's account information has been verified, and the bank has approved direct deposit transactions to the account.
Direct Deposit - Payroll Method This column displays the method for depositing the employee's pay in the bank account:
  • Amount: Creates a deposit for a specified amount.
  • Percentage: Creates a deposit for a specified percentage of the employee's total pay.
  • Remainder: After making deposits in the employee's other bank accounts, this setting creates a deposit for any remaining pay amount.
  • None: No amount of the employee's pay is deposited in the bank account.

This column is only available if you use Payroll.

Direct Deposit - Payroll Amount/ Percent If Payroll Method contains Amount or Percentage, this column displays the amount or percentage used to calculate the direct deposit for the account.

This column is only available if you use Payroll.

Direct Deposit - Expense Repayments Method This column displays the method for depositing the employee's expense repayment in the bank account:
  • Amount: Creates a deposit for a specified amount.
  • Percentage: Creates a deposit for a specified percentage of the employee's total expense repayment.
  • Remainder: After making deposits in the employee's other bank accounts, this setting creates a deposit for any remaining pay amount.
  • None: No amount of the employee's expense repayment is deposited in the bank account.
Direct Deposit - Expense Repayments Amount/ Percent If Expense Repayments Method contains Amount or Percentage, this column displays the amount or percentage used to calculate the direct deposit for the account.
Education - Degree This column displays the degrees the employee earned (for example, BA Bachelor of Arts, BS Bachelor of Science, or MA Master of Arts).
Education - Specialty This column displays the specialty associated with the employee's degree.
Education - Institution This column displays the educational institution where the employee earned the degree.
Education - Year This column displays the year the employee received the degree.
Education - Proposals This Yes/No column indicates whether or not this education information can be used in proposals.
Expense Report - Company If you use multiple companies, this column displays the company to which the employee is assigned in the organization structure. This company is responsible for processing the employee's expense reports.
Expense Report - Group This column displays the expense report group for which this employee has access to expense reports.
Expense Report - Editing This Yes/No column indicates whether or not the employee can edit expense reports.
Expense Report - Approval This Yes/No column indicates whether or not the employee can approve expense reports.
Links - Description This column displays a brief description of the file link or Web address (URL).
Links - File Path This column contains one of the following:
  • The complete file path for an external file link. This path includes the file link name and extension. If you preview the report, you can click the file link to open the file.
  • The address (URL) for a Web site, intranet site, file transfer (FTP) site, and so on. If you preview the report, you can click the link to go to that address.
Links - Graphic This Yes/No column indicates whether or not the file is a graphic file.
Home Company If you use multiple companies, the code in this column represents the employee's home company. The home company is the company that manages the employee's current timesheet and expense report processes and that pays the employee. You associate each employee with a home company in the Employees hub.
Home Company Name If you use multiple companies, the name in this column represents the employee's home company. The home company is the company that manages the employee's current timesheet and expense report processes and that pays the employee. You associate each employee with a home company in the Employees hub.
Licenses - License This column displays the names of the licenses the employee holds (for example, CPG Certified Professional Geologist or PE Professional Engineer).
Licenses - Earned This column displays the year the year the employee became licensed.
Licenses - State This column displays the state in which the employee is licensed.
Licenses - Number This column displays the license number.
Licenses - Expires This column displays the license expiration date.
Licenses - Last Renewal This column displays the date the license was most recently renewed.
Licenses - Proposals This Yes/No column indicates whether or not the license information can be used in proposals.
Opportunities - Opportunity Name This column displays the name of the opportunity associated with the employee.
Opportunities - Opportunity No. This column displays the identifier of the opportunity associated with the employee.
Opportunities - Stage This column displays the current stage of the opportunity (for example, Pending, Awarded, or Lost).
Opportunities - Role This column displays the role of the employee in the opportunity (for example, Architect, Developer, or Owner).
Opportunities - Role Description This column displays additional text describing the employee's role in the opportunity.
Projects - Number This column displays the identifier of the project associated with the employee.
Projects - Name This column displays the name of the project.
Projects - Long Name This column displays the project's long name.

If Long Name is blank in the Projects hub, this column displays the projects's short name.

Projects - Status This column displays the status of the project: Active, Inactive, or Dormant.
Projects - Hours This column displays the actual number of hours the employee has posted to the project.
Projects - Role This column displays the role of the employee on the project (for example, Transportation Engineer or Geologist).
Projects - Description This column displays additional text describing the employee's role on the project.
Projects - Start Date This column displays the date your company started work or will start work on the project.
Projects - End Date This column displays the date your company finished work on the project.
Resumes - Category This column displays the resume category (for example, Profile-General or Experience-Medical).
Resumes - Resume This column displays the description of the employee's experience related to the category.
Skills - Skill This column displays descriptions of employee skills or disciplines (for example, Architect, Civil Engineer, or Interior Designer).
Skills - Level

This column displays the skill level. For example, you could set up the following set of levels based on years of experience:

  • Entry
  • 1-2 Years
  • 3-5 Years
  • 6-10 Years
  • Over 10 Years
Skills - Primary This Yes/No column indicates whether or not the skill is the employee's primary skill.
State/Locale/Tax Jurisdiction - Locale ID This column displays the identifier for the payroll tax ID.
State/Locale/Tax Jurisdiction - Active This Yes/No column indicates whether or not the taxable wages are tracked for the tax locale. All active withholding codes must have an active tax locale.
State/Locale/Tax Jurisdiction - % of Wages This column displays the percentage of his or her time that the employee spends working in the selected locale.
Timesheet - Company If you use multiple companies, this column displays the company to which the employee is assigned in the organization structure. This company is responsible for processing the employee's timesheets.
Timesheet - Group This column displays the timesheet group for which the employee is able to access timesheets.
Timesheet - Editing This Yes/No column indicates whether or not the employee can edit timesheets.
Timesheet - Approval This Yes/No column indicates whether or not the employee can approve timesheets.
Withholding - Withholding Code This column displays the codes that identify the types of payroll withholding set up for the employee (for example, MA for Massachusetts income tax withholding). You specify each employee's withholding code on the Payroll tab of the Employees hub.
Withholding - Active This Yes/No column indicates whether or not the withholding is active.
Withholding - Print on Check

This column indicates whether withholdings are printed on checks:

  • Print indicates that the withholding amount prints on the employee's check.
  • System indicates that DPS determines whether or not to print the withholding amount on the employee's check based on the Print on paycheck option on the Payroll Withholding Setup form (Settings > Payroll > Withholding Codes).
  • No Print indicates that the withholding amount does not print on the employee's check.
Withholding - Method This column displays the method by which the withholding is computed for this employee:
  • Amount: A fixed amount is withheld. The Amount or Percent column displays that amount.
  • System: Withholdings are calculated based on the default method specified in Settings for the type of withholding.
  • Percentage: A specified percentage of the employee's pay is withheld. The Amount or Percent column displays that percentage.
Withholding - Amount or Percent If the Method column contains Amount or Percentage, this column displays the amount or percentage of wages withheld.

If the Method column contains System, this column is blank.

Withholding - Filing Status If the withholding is for a tax that requires a filing status, this column displays the employee's filing status (for example, M for Married, S for Single, or H for Head of Household).
Withholding - Exemptions If the withholding is for a tax for which there are exemptions, this column displays the number of exemptions that the employee claims.
Withholding - Additional Amount If an amount is withheld for the employee in addition to the calculated withholding amount, this column displays that amount. For example, you might withhold an additional amount to supplement federal or state withholding amounts, to guard against under-withholding.
Withholding - Other Exemptions If the tax locale distinguishes between types of exemptions, this column displays any "other" exemptions the employee claims.
Withholding - Limit If the withholding has a limit on the amount that is withheld, this column displays that maximum amount.
Row Count This column displays the total number of detail lines for each group, based on the sorting and grouping selections on the Sorting/Grouping tab. If the report groups data at more than one level, this column displays row counts for all grouping levels.
Citizenship - Citizenship Type This column displays the employee's citizenship type that is entered on the Personal and Contact Details tab of the Employees hub.

This column is available to add to the report if you select Citizenship in the Grid Type field on the General tab of the Employee List Options dialog box.

Citizenship - Country This column displays the employee's citizenship country that is entered on the Personal and Contact Details tab of the Employees hub.

This column is available to add to the report if you select Citizenship in the Grid Type field on the General tab of the Employee List Options dialog box.

Citizenship - Expiration Date This column displays the expiration date of the employee's citizenship that is entered on the Personal and Contact Details tab of the Employees hub.

This column is available to add to the report if you select Citizenship in the Grid Type field on the General tab of the Employee List Options dialog box.