Checklist: Producing 1099s

You complete steps in the Form 1099 Processing application to print 1099 forms.

Step Description
1 If you are processing 1099s for the prior year, run the 1099 Initialization utility (from the Utility menu) to set the Paid Last Year amounts for your vendors. The Paid Last Year amount from the Vendor tab of the Firms hub prints on the 1099 forms.
2 In Accounting > Form 1099 Processing, enter information for the 1099s on the Form 1099 Processing form, including state identification numbers.
3 Generate the work file (from the toolbar of the Form 1099 Processing form), and review the data in the file.
4 Run the Form 1099 Verification report (from the toolbar of the Form 1099 Processing form) to identify any vendors that have a difference between the Total Payment Processing (posted vendor payment) amount and the Paid Last Year amount.

Determine the correct 1099 amount by comparing posted payment amounts for the year on the Voucher Ledger report (in Reporting > Vendor) with the amounts in the Paid Last Year column on the Form 1099 Verification report.

5 If necessary, modify the amount in the Paid Last Year field for a vendor on the Vendor tab of the Firms hub and regenerate the work file. You can also modify the 1099 amount for a vendor by editing the work file with the Form 1099 Editor in Form 1099 Processing.
6 Print or preview the 1099 forms.
7 Transfer 1099 data to electronic filing.