Employee Ledger Columns Tab

Use the Columns tab to select or clear columns, change column sequence, provide new column labels, set column widths, or select number and date formats.


Field Description
Date This column displays the date assigned to the transaction during transaction entry.
Period This column displays the accounting period in which the transaction was posted.
Description This column displays the description of the transaction.
Check/Ref Number This column displays the check number or the reference number for the transaction.
Bank Code This column displays the identifier for the bank involved in the transaction.
Expenses This column displays the expense amount.
Advances, Applied Adv. This column displays the amount of any advances paid to the employee to cover expenses. This amount includes repayments for expenses for which the employee paid.
Payments This column displays the amount of payments your company made directly to vendors.
Totals This column displays the total amount for the report line: Expenses + Advances - Payments.
Project This column displays the identifier of the project for which the expense was incurred.
Phase This column displays the identifier of the phase for which the expense was incurred.
Task This column displays the identifier of the task for which the expense was incurred.
Account This column displays the account that received the debit entry for the expense.
Home Company If you use multiple companies, the code in this column represents the employee's home company. The home company is the current company that manages the employee's timesheet and expense report processes and that pays the employee. You associate each employee with a home company in the Employees hub.
Home Company Name If you use multiple companies, the name in this column represents the employee's home company. The home company is the company that manages the employee's current timesheet and expense report processes and that pays the employee. You associate each employee with a home company in the Employees hub.