Add a Firm

Use the Add Firm form to add a new firm record for a client, vendor, government agency, competitor, or any other entity you want to track.

When you create a new firm on the Add Firm form, you are automatically added as a team member on the Our Team tab for that firm. However, you must use the Our Team tab to describe your relationship to the firm.

To add a new firm:

  1. In the Navigation pane, select Hubs > Firms.
  2. Click + New Firm next to the find field to display the Firm form. This link is only available if you have the access rights that are required to add records.
  3. In the Name field, enter the name of the firm.

    When you move the cursor from this field, DPS compares the name to existing firm names and aliases. If it detects possible matches, it displays a list of those firms so you can determine if you are adding a duplicate record. If you are still not sure, you can click the firm name in the list to display the full firm record on a separate browser tab.

  4. Specify the type of firm, such as Client, Vendor, Competitor, or Government Agency. You can select as many firm types as needed. When you enter a new firm record, the Firm Type field may automatically populate with a selection based on your security role:
    • Accounting: No option selected. You are prompted to select a Type if you leave this field blank.
    • CRM: Defaults to CRM.

    When you select Vendor and Accounting is enabled, the Vendor tab of the Firms hub displays. Use this tab to enter the vendor's purchasing, banking, accounting, and payment information.

  5. Select one of the following actions:
    • If automatic numbering is not enabled for firms, you can enter a firm number in the Firm Number field.
    • If automatic numbering is enabled for firms, DPS assigns the Firm Number for you. If you have appropriate access rights, you can change it.
  6. Enter additional information about the firm, such as a description, relationship, a recent activity, and revenue.
  7. Click Save.