Accounting Transactions APIs

Use accounting transaction APIs to inject data and process transactions within DPS and also to extract accounting and transactional information for use outside of DPS.

APIs are available for the accounting transaction types listed in the following table. You can execute a GET or a POST on each endpoint (read or create). You cannot update or delete. Each API takes one parameter, the JSON string that contains the transaction data. The ability to create new transaction files or open existing files depend on your system configuration and security access rights.

For a complete listing of available API endpoints, see the interactive visualization. This visualization does not include metadata descriptions. To see information about the metadata fields that return, see Metadata. Execute a GET on the appropriate endpoint to find out what metadata is available. Metadata is available for historical information including labor, expense, and overhead. For example, to get the metadata for the historical overhead transactions, you execute a GET on {{url}}/metadata/historicalOverhead/.

Transaction Example REST Endpoint Description
AP Disbursements api/ledger/CV GET and POST accounts payable (AP) disbursements, a manual payment to an accounts payable voucher for the vendors in DPS.
AP Vouchers api/ledger/AP GET and POST accounts payable vouchers for the vendors in DPS. You can POST new vouchers with one or more detail lines into DPS from 3rd party accounting systems, and you can also GET previously entered and posted vouchers from DPS.
Cash Receipts api/ledger/CR GET and POST cash receipt transactions of the individual receipts that make up one deposit. Each deposit can consist of many receipts.
Employee Expenses api/ledger/EX GET and POST employee expenses such as travel and automobile expenses. You can also use this whenever an employee needs to file an expense report.
Invoices api/ledger/IN GET and POST invoices sent to your clients. If you use Billing, DPS automatically creates an invoice file.
Journal Entries api/ledger/JE GET and POST journal entries of salaries, withholdings, bonuses, or accruals. You can also perform reclassifications and reallocate account activity using JE transactions.
Units api/ledger/UN GET and POST units to bill labor and expense charges as unit transactions.
AP Payment Process api/ledger/PP GET and POST AP payments of vendors’ vouchers.
Employee Payment Process api/ledger/EP GET and POST employee payments of employees’ expense reports.
Historical Information api/historicalOverhead/{key}

GET and POST historical labor, expense, and overhead information.