Timesheets Tab of Accounting Company Settings

Use the Timesheets tab to set up posting, job costing, absence accrual, and payroll interface options for Timesheets.


Posting Options

Field Description
Consolidate timesheet postings by employee and Work Breakdown Structure Select this check box if you want to consolidate the posting of timesheets. This means that if the same employee charges time to the same project, task, and labor code combination, only one line displays for that employee on the posting log. Timesheet postings cannot be consolidated when cost rate tables are enabled.
Preserve comments when consolidating timesheet postings Select this check box if you want to preserve the comments for consolidated timesheets. When you select this option, all timesheets with the same employee, project, task, labor code, and comments are consolidated. If a timesheet line has a different comment specified, the timesheet line is not consolidated; each comment is listed individually.

DPS supports unlimited text in the Timesheet Comments field if you select this check box.

Job Costing

Field Description
Job Cost Frequency If you use the Adjust Salaried Job Cost feature, select the frequency at which you want to adjust job cost amounts for salaried employees. This usually matches your payroll frequency.
Allow job cost rates to be salaries Select this check box if you want to specify salaried rates and hourly rates in the Job Cost Rate field on the Accounting tab of the Employees hub. If this option is enabled, a Type field displays in the Employees hub, allowing you to specify whether the rate is a salaried rate or an hourly rate.
Include overtime hours in job cost calculation This check box applies if you use the Adjust Salaried Job Cost feature. When you select this check box, you enter overtime hours separately from regular hours on timesheets. Overtime hours from timesheets are included in Adjust Salaried Job Cost calculations.
Maximum Hourly Rate If you selected the Allow job cost rates to be salaries check box, you must enter a maximum hourly rate here. This is the maximum hourly rate to use when you enter hourly job cost rates on the Accounting tab of the Employees hub. If an hourly job cost rate exceeds the maximum hourly rate entered here, you receive a warning that the rate may not be appropriate for the job cost type. This field ensures that a salary is not entered with an hourly type.

Absence Accrual

Field Description
Accrue absence hours when payroll is processed Select this check box if you want absence accruals to be automatically performed whenever you process a regular payroll.

This field is available only if the Payroll application is installed.

Absence Accrual Frequency Select one of the following options from the drop-down list:
  • Monthly: This accrues absence hours once a month.
  • Semi-monthly: This accrues absence hours twice a month.
  • Biweekly: This accrues absence hours every two weeks.
  • Weekly: This accrues absence hours once a week.

Annual absence accrual hours are prorated based on the selection that you make. For example, if you choose Monthly, the annual absence accrual hours are divided by 12 to determine the number of hours accrued in each processing run.

Enable accruals based on hours worked Select this check box to calculate an employee's absence hours accrual based on the hours that the employee works. This enables the Hours Worked option in the Methods column in the Absence Accruals grid on the Accounting tab of the Employees hub.

If you select Hours Worked as the Method for an employee, you can also specify how DPS calculates the employee's hours earned per year, hours earned per hours worked, and maximum hours earned.

When you enable accruals based on hours worked, the Projects to Exclude from Hours Worked column is added to the Absence Accrual Setup grid in Settings > Advanced Accounting > Time Analysis. Use the lookup in this column to select the projects that should be excluded from the hours worked calculation.

Do not accrue if less than defined hours This option is enabled when the Enable accruals based on hours worked check box is selected. Select this check box and enter the minimum number of hours that are required in an accrual period for an employee to be eligible to earn absence hours. For example, if the enterprise's accrual frequency is set to Weekly and the employee works fewer than 20 hours in the week, the employee would not be eligible for absence hours.
Exclude overtime hours This option is enabled when the Enable accruals based on hours worked check box is selected. Select this check box to calculate the accrued absence hours based on the employee's regular working hours, with no overtime included. When this check box is not selected, DPS calculates absence accrual based on all hours worked, regular plus overtime. This includes both Ovt 1 and Ovt 2 entries.

Payroll Interface

The following fields display on this tab only if you have a payroll interface installed.

Field Description
Payroll Interface To Select the type of payroll interface that you use. The options are:
  • ADP
  • Paychex
  • Ceridian Powerpay

The names of the remaining fields in this section change to reflect your selection.

Enable ADP Payroll Interface If you selected ADP in the Payroll Interface To field, select this check box to enable all fields and elements that are used to set up ADP processing. The enabled items are:
  • The Default Company Code field on this tab.
  • The Export Timesheets to ADP dialog box in Human Resources > Payroll > Export to ADP.
  • The ADP Company Code field on the General tab in Settings > Organization > Individual.
  • ADP fields on the Accounting tab in the Employees hub.
Enable Paychex Payroll Interface If you selected Paychex in the Payroll Interface To field, select this check box to enable all fields and elements that are used to set up Paychex processing. The enabled items are:
  • The Default Client Number field on this tab.
  • The Export Timesheets to Paychex dialog box in Human Resources > Payroll > Export to Pay Interface.
  • The Paychex Client Number field on the General tab in Settings > Organization > Individual.
  • Paychex fields on the Accounting tab in the Employees hub.
Enable Ceridian Interface If you selected Ceridian Powerpay in the Payroll Interface To field, select this check box to enable all fields that are used to set up Ceridian processing. The enabled fields are:
  • The Default Company Number field on this tab.
  • The Export Timesheets to Ceridian dialog box inHuman Resources > Payroll > Export to Pay Interface.
  • The Ceridian Client Number field on the General tab in Settings > Organization > Individual.
  • Ceridian fields on the Accounting tab in the Employees hub.
Default Company Code / Default Client Number / Default Company Number
  • ADP: If you are using ADP, enter the ADP default company code. DPS uses the default company code for each employee who does not have an ADP company code specified in the Employees hub and does not have an ADP company code specified for his or her organization in Individual Organization Setup. An enterprise with just one ADP company code can enter it in the ADP Default Company Code field on this tab and leave the ADP Default Company Code blank in the Employees hub and Individual Organization Setup.

    Valid default company codes can include the characters A through Z, 0 through 9, & (and symbol), or - (dash). ADP's code length requirements differ by country. For example, US-based enterprises typically have a 3-character code, and Canadian enterprises typically have a 4-character code.

  • Paychex: If you are using Paychex, enter the Paychex client number. DPS uses the default client number for each employee who does not have a Paychex client number specified in the Employees hub and does not have a Paychex client number specified for his or her organization in Individual Organization Setup. An enterprise with just one Paychex client number can enter it in the Paychex Default Client Number field on this tab and leave the Paychex Default Client Number blank in the Employees hub and Individual Organization Setup.
  • Ceridian Powerpay: If you are using Ceridian, enter the Ceridian default company number. DPS uses the default company number for each employee who does not have a Ceridian company number specified in the Employees hub and does not have a Ceridian company number specified for his or her organization in Individual Organization Setup. An enterprise with just one Ceridian number can enter it in the Ceridian Default Company Number field on this tab and leave the Ceridian Default Company Number blank in the Employees hub and Individual Organization Setup.

DPS looks at the following tabs in the order listed and uses the first company code that it finds:

1. Accounting tab in the Employees hub.

2. General tab in Settings > Organization > Individual

3. Timesheets tab in Settings > Accounting > Company