Dates & Costs Tab of the Projects Form

Use the Dates & Costs tab to enter or review project dates and cost data. The information on this tab provides a snapshot of a project's budget and status.

The WBS level that you are viewing does not affect the layout of fields, but it can change the information displayed in certain fields. For example, on the Summary pane, the project number is the same regardless of the level that you are viewing, but contract start and end dates can be different at the project, phase, and task levels.

If you navigate to a different WBS level using the Project Structure dialog box, the data refreshes to reflect the database values for the selected level. When a field contains the same data at each level, you can edit that field only at the project level. For those fields that contain different data at each level, you can also edit the fields at the phase and task levels, if you have the proper security rights at the project level.

For all date fields on this tab, you can enter a date directly in the field or click Calendar and select a date.

Initial Dates

Use these fields to enter the initial dates of the project contract.

Field Description
Bid Submitted Enter the date on which your company bid on the project.
Contract Awarded Enter the date on which the project contract was awarded to your company in DPS.
Contract Start Enter the date on which your company started work on the project or the date on which you intend to start work.

When you create a new project without copying another plan, DPS creates an empty plan for that project using default settings. Generally, the date in this field for each WBS element is used as the default plan start date for that WBS element. However, an earlier default plan start date may be used if that is necessary to include the full plan date ranges for all WBS elements at lower WBS levels.

Completion Dates

Use these fields to enter the completion dates of the project contract.

Field Description
Estimated Enter the date your company expects to complete the project.

When you create a new project without copying another plan, DPS creates an empty plan for that project using default settings. Generally, the date in this field for each breakdown structure (WBS) element is used as the default end date for that WBS element. However, a later default plan end date may be used if that is necessary to include the full plan date ranges for all WBS elements at lower WBS levels.

Professional Services Enter the date your company completes all work on the project. This includes any professional services you provide after you have completed construction-related activities on the project. This date might be after the construction end date.
Construction Enter the date your company expects to complete all construction-related activities on the project.
Actual Enter the date your company actually completes the project. If this field is populated, it is included in the Summary pane next to the Start Date. If the filed is blank, the Estimated Completion Date is included in the Summary pane.
Comment Enter any comments related to the estimated or actual completion dates.


Use these fields to enter the project costs.

Field Description
Total Project Cost Enter the total cost of completing the project for the primary contractor.
Total Project Cost Comment Enter any comments related to the total project cost amount.
Our Cost Enter the total cost to your company for completing the project. If you are a subcontractor, this amount is less than the total project cost
Our Cost Comment Enter any comments related to the firm cost amount.